
Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Presentation2

Scene 1

Fades into a dark room with the only light source being the computer screen and the computer LED’s and him playing Counter-Call Strike of Duty Global Infraety terriorist warfare 9 reflecting of his glasses.

Scene 2

• He hears a noise down stairs and decides to check it out he closes his game and exits his room to go down stairs.

Scene 3

• He turns the light on in the kitchen and sees that the fridge is open he closes it and sees that the toaster is turned on he says “Wtf” and turns it off.

Scene 4

As he checks that everything is normal he turns around goes to the light switch and turns off the light as he walks 1 step up the stairs he hears a noise again

Scene 5

• He then pretends to walk up stairs while sneaking up to the living room to try to listen up on the conversation.

Scene 6

• As we zoom on into the kitchen we hear key words that are plot against the main character

Scene 7

• As he runs upstairs fearing for his life and not understanding what is going on he hears the 2 things speak