Ō – Europe...欧州 Ōshū Europe 195 西欧 Seiō Western Europe 72 欧米 Ō-Bei Europe and...

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Transcript of Ō – Europe...欧州 Ōshū Europe 195 西欧 Seiō Western Europe 72 欧米 Ō-Bei Europe and...

Ō – Europe

欧州  Ōshū Europe 195

西欧  Seiō Western Europe 72

欧米  Ō-Bei Europe and America/theU. S.


欧州連合  Ōshū Rengō the EuropeanUnion

195, 446, 159

北欧諸国  hokuō shokokuScandinavian countries

73, 880, 40

SŪ – pivot

枢軸  sūjiku pivot, axis, center 1023

中枢  chūsū center 28

枢要  sūyō important 425

枢密  sūmitsu state secret 822

DAN – decision, judgment kotowa(ru) –

decline, refuse; give warning; prohibit ta(tsu) – cutoff

決断  ketsudan (prompt) decision,resolution


油断  yudan inattention, negligence 365

横断  ōdan crossing 795

断念  dannen abandonment, giving up 588

KEI, tsu(gu) – follow, succeed to, inherit

後継  kōkei succession 48

継承  keishō succession, inheritance 972

継続  keizoku continuance 243

中継  chūkei (radio/TV) relay,hookup


受け継ぐ  uketsugu inherit, succeed to 260

HAN – stamp, seal BAN – (paper) size

判断(力)  handan(ryoku) judgment 1063, 100

判決  hanketsu a decision, ruling 357

判事  hanji a judge 80

公判  kōhan (public) trial 126

判明  hanmei become clear, beascertained


HAN, BAN, tomona(u) – go with,accompany; entail, be accompanied by, be associatedwith

同伴  dōhan keep (someone)company


相伴う  aitomonau accompany 146

HYŌ – criticism, comment

評論  hyōron criticism, critique,commentary


論評  ronpyō criticism, comment,review


評価  hyōka appraisal 427

評判  hyōban fame, popularity;rumor, gossip


書評  shohyō book review 131

HI – critique

批判  hihan critique 1065

批判的  hihanteki critical 1065, 210

批評  hihyō critique, criticism, review 1067

批評眼  hihyōgan critical eye 1067, 867

文芸批評  bungei hihyō literarycriticism

111, 441,1067

KAI – order, harmony

諧謔  kaigyaku jest, humor 諧謔的  kaigyakuteki humorous,


NI – two (in documents)

弐万円  niman'en 20,000 yen 16, 13

BU, MU – military

武器  buki weapon, arms 536

武力  buryoku military force 100

武道  budō military arts 149

武士  bushi samurai, warrior 581

武者  musha warrior 164

SHOKU, fu(ku), nugu(u) – wipe

払拭  fusshoku sweep away, wipeout


拭浄  shokujō clean, wipe 675

拭き込む  fukikomu shine up, polish,wipe thoroughly


拭き掃除  fukisōji cleaning (a house) 1128, 1112

YŪ, ure(eru) – grieve, be distressed, be anxious

ure(i), ure(e) – grief, distress, anxiety u(i) –unhappy, gloomy

物憂い  monoui languid, weary,listless


憂き目  ukime grief, misery, hardship 55

憂い顔  ureigao sorrowful face,troubled look


憂さ晴らし  usabarashi diversion,

distraction 673

YŪ – superior; gentle; actor sugu(reru) – excel

yasa(shii) – gentle, tender, kindhearted

優勢  yūsei predominance, superiority 656

優勝  yūshō victory, championship 518

優先  yūsen priority 50

女優  joyū actress 102

HI, kana(shii) – sad kana(shimu) – besad, lament, regret

悲劇  higeki tragedy 811

悲恋  hiren disappointed love 258

悲鳴  himei shriek, scream 948

悲観  hikan pessimism 614

HAI – actor

俳優  haiyū actor 1074

俳句  haiku haiku, 17-syllableJapanese poem


俳諧  haikai joke; haikai, haiku 1069

俳人  haijin haiku poet 1

HAI – exclude; reject, expel

排気ガス  haikigasu exhaustgas/fumes


排液  haieki drainage (in surgery) 480

排撃  haigeki reject, denounce 1054

排日  hai-Nichi anti-Japanese 5

排他的  haitateki exclusive, cliquish 120, 210

HAI – fellow, colleague, companion

先輩  senpai one's senior (atschool/work)


後輩  kōhai one's junior, youngerpeople


年輩  nenpai age, elderliness 45

同年輩の人  dōnenpai no hitosomeone of the same age

198, 45, 1

輩出  haishutsu appear one afteranother


TOKU – virtue

道徳  dōtoku marality, morals 149

公徳  kōtoku public morality 126

人徳  jintoku, nintoku one's naturalvirtue


不徳  futoku lack of virtue, vice,immorality


徳川  Tokugawa (historical surname) 33

CHŌ, ki(ku) – hear, listen

聴取  chōshu listening 65

聴衆  chōshū audience 806

聴講  chōkō attendance at a lecture 797

公聴会  kōchōkai public hearing 126, 158

聴覚  chōkaku sense of hearing 615