mediterranean basin

Post on 15-Feb-2017

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Transcript of mediterranean basin

Mediterranean Basin

By Corey Good

Mediterranean Basin

Mediterranean Basin

Its 22,500 endemic vascular plant species are more than four times the number found in all the rest of Europe; the hotspot also supports many endemic reptile species

Animals 500 bird species. 25 of them are endemic 220 mammal species. 25 of them are also

endemic 225 reptile species. 80 of which are endemic 80 amphibian species. 30 are endemic 220 species of fish. 60 are endemic

Threats and Human Impacts Human settlements have existed in the area

for well over 8,000 years It suffered massive deforestation, intensive

grazing, fires, and infrastructure development 300 million people live in the Mediterranean

Basin. Rapid population growth has a negative effect on the biodiversity in this area