Lesson plan 4 secundario

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Transcript of Lesson plan 4 secundario

IFDC LENGUAS VIVASTALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE IIIALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Andrea Alejandra Cantaroni.Período de Práctica: Tercer períodoInstitución Educativa: EES N°19Dirección: Enrique Julio 2000. Bahía Blanca, Buenos AiresSala / Grado / Año – sección: 3º AñoCantidad de alumnos: 24Nivel lingüístico del curso: ElementalTipo de Planificación: DiariaUnidad Temática: animales Clase N°: 4Fecha: 16 julio., 2015Hora: de 7:30 a 9:30hs Duración de la clase: 120 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 8 de julio.

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Teaching points:

The meaningful use of the superlative long adjectives.

Teaching aims:

Students will develop their speaking, reading and writing and listening skills to refer to different animals from a safari by using short and long superlative adjectives.

Language focus:

Lexis Functions Structure pronunciation

Rev. Short superlative adjectives: the biggest, the longest, the smallest, the shortest, the oldest, the youngest.

Talking about the animals of the zoo and using superlative adjectives. Comparing wild animals.

The tiger is the largest animal in the zoo.

The use of “ə” in the termination of “est.”


Long superlative adjectives; the most popular, the most intelligent, the most dangerous.

Talking about wild animals at the safari using long superlative adjectives and comparing wild animals.

The butterfly is the most beautiful insect in the park. The parrot was the most intelligent animal in the park.

The use of “up” in the word “most.”

Teaching approach: Communicative approach

Materials and resources: word sheets of paper, pictures of animals from the safari.

Integration of skills: students will put into practice their speaking, writing and reading and listening skills. These skills will be integrated through different communicative activities to help students to incorporate new structures or new vocabulary.

Seating arrangement: students will get in pairs in one stage and they will work individually in another stage of the class.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: a possible problem would be misbehaviour .I will pay attention to them speaking to them and encouraging them to participate in each stage of the class and answers their questions about the topic we are working in class.

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Potential problems students may have with the language: In case students don’t understand the vocabulary or the new structure; I will mime each new structure or I will help them to understand it by explaining the new structure.

Assessment: I will assess my student’s progress during each stage of the lesson by taking into account how they are learning and participating when we incorporate the new structure or new word.

Warm up (20 minutes):

I will say: 'hello’ to the students and I will tell them: ‘How are you? ‘Students will say: ‘fine’. Then I will tell them: ‘last class we spoke about the Buenos Aires zoo and it was fantastic.’ I will ask students: ‘Do you remember the animals we described from the zoo? ‘I will show them pictures of snakes and I will say: ‘Tithe Anaconda is the …..Snake’. Students will say ‘the longest snake’. I will show the photos of the rattle snake. I will say: ‘The shortest snake is …’.Students will say:’ the rattle snake. ‘And I will ask: ‘what about the lion, tiger and panther? .The tiger is the…………. animal in the zoo. Students will say: ‘largest or biggest’. I will show photos of a giraffe. I will say: ‘the giraffe is the ….animal in the zoo’. Students will say:’ tallest animal’. Then I will show them a photo of birds (parrot, eagle, and toucan).I will say: ‘The eagle is the …animal’. Students will say:’ Biggest or largest animal. The smallest bird of the zoo is…… ’.Students will say: ‘parrot ‘.Then I will show pictures of sea animals (seal, sea lion and dolphin) .I will say:’ The seal is the ….animal in the zoo’. Students will say: ‘smallest'. I will encourage SS to compare those animals using the superlative form.

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Presentation (25 minutes):

Well, I will say: ‘last year I went on a safari in Africa in a comfortable Jeep. I visited many interesting places with some wild animals. I was surprised because I saw a big snake; it was big and dangerous, really dangerous. This snake was the most dangerous snake in the park’. I will show them a picture of a snake killing a frog. . ’.Then I continued my trip through the wild park and I saw a colorful butterfly. It was the most colourful butterfly in the park. It was blue, yellow and green. It was a hot and sunny day’. I will copy one of the sentences on the board. After that I will say: ‘I saw a chimpanzee, this was the most popular of the chimpanzees of the park because it played games with a couple of mice. Then I saw a parrot, it was the most intelligent animal in the park because it spoke perfectly to us and repeated many words’. I will mime new words and new structures .Finally, I will say: ‘I saw a lion, and it was the most famous animal in the park because it was beautiful and fat’. I will copy the sentences on the board and I will ask: ‘What is new in the sentences. I will ask: ‘what word do we add in this sentence?’ Students will say ‘most’. I will say: ‘Yes, because the adjectives are long, I mean they have more than one syllable’. I will say: ‘yes, we use the word ‘Most’ with long adjectives. Example: 'the lion was the most famous animal in the park, the chimpanzee was the most popular of the chimpanzee of the park, and the snake was the most dangerous snake in the park’. I will read each sentence and underline the new structures.

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I will say ‘: look at the snake, the chimpanzee and the butterfly .Which animal is the most dangerous?’ Students will say:’ the snake is the most dangerous’. I will show the picture of the lions, butterflies and the parrots .I will say: ‘The lions are …….in the

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park'. Students will say: ‘the most popular’ and I will say: ‘What about the butterfly?’ Students will say: ‘the butterfly is the most colourful’ .Then I will show the parrot .I will say: ‘the parrot is the …….animal in the park.’ Students will say:’ intelligent’. I will say: ‘very good. Now, we are going to speak about my friend called Gabriel, who visited a jungle some years ago.’

Practice (25 minutes)

Then I will say: ‘we are going to listen to a text about my friend. Pay attention to the listening about different animals in the jungle. 'I will turn on the computer and they will listen the following text about my friend called Gabriel, who went to visit the Amazon jungle .I will play the audio twice so that students can understand the new words or new structure. I will mime the words that they do not understand or remember.

The text: my friend Gabriel went to a visit a jungle. He was very happy and he wanted to know animal's .First, he saw a leopard. It was the most famous of the jungle because it walked around the park every day. Then he saw a colourful parrot, it was the most colourful of the jungle .It was blue, red, green and yellow. After that, he saw a snake; it was the most dangerous snake in the jungle. He enjoyed a lot this unforgettable experience. He was very happy. He wants to return to the jungle in the future.

I will play the listening again in order to complete the text while they are listening the text again. I will give them a sheet of paper with a text where they have to complete with the animal and the superlative adjectives. I will say: ’Complete with the use of adjectives filling gaps with the names and the superlatives form of adjective’. I will model the activity.

1) Gabriel saw a leopard it was the…most famous……………………animal in the Amazon Jungle. Then he saw a ………………., it was the …………………… in the jungle. After that he saw a ……………………, it was the …………………………in the jungle.

Production (20 minutes):

After the listening, in this stage Students will work pairs and they will talk about the photo from a safari. I will say: ‘you have to use the following adjectives from the box and make sentences describing the animals. Then they will exchange the photo and will make sentences with the others photos. I will model the activity.

Small dangerous intelligent small colourful famous Student A: In my photo the lion is the most dangerous animal.

Student B: In my photo the tiger is the most dangerous animal.

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Student A: in my photo the parrot is the most colourful animal.

Student B: In my photo the parrot is the smallest animal.

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I will walk around the classroom and help them if necessary.

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After a few minutes, I will ask students to read the sentences aloud.

Game (20 minutes): I will say: ‘now we are going to play a game’ .I will divide the class in three groups. I will give each group two words, one animal and one superlative long adjective. I will say: ‘each group has to make one sentence using the words that I will give you. The group that finishes first is the winner. ‘I will give the following words:

Group 1: intelligent, parrot.

Group 2: leopard. Popular.

Group 3: snake, dangerous.

I will congratulate the winner group. After that, I will say:’ I will explain your homework for the next class.


Homework (10 minutes): I will give students a sheet of paper to each. I will say students: for next class, you have to write six sentences using superlative adjectives from the jungle. I will model the activity writing an example on the board.

Example: The hippo is the most dangerous animal in the jungle. You will do the same with other animals from the chart.

Height /length Weight Degree of danger

Degree of colour


140cm.5, 8 cm.300 cm200cm




I will say: ‘I will thank students for their cooperation and I will say good bye to them!

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