Innovación, IoT e Inteligencia...

Post on 21-Sep-2018

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Transcript of Innovación, IoT e Inteligencia...


Marco Casarín JuncoGM & Chief Digital transformation Office Microsoft

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¿Qué es la computación cuántica?


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… hacia


¿Por qué invertimos en computación cuántica?

Los tres hitos que debemos lograr para computación cuántica

Topología del Qubit Superconductores

Programación múlti-dimensional

Innovación es un cambio que introduce novedades y se refiere a modificar elementos ya existentes con el fin de

mejorarlos o renovarlos

Innovación. (2018, 27 de febrero). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fecha de consulta: 20:01, marzo 7, 2018 desde

•65% de los estudiantes actuales acabará en trabajos que aún no existen. Observ. Empleo Era Digital

•700 Profesiones serán reemplazadas por NTI o 2B de empleos en riesgo. DaVinci

•Menor Riesgo: Creatividad, inteligencia social y un alto nivel de complejidad o destreza. Phd. Michael Osborne

•Capacidades clave: Lenguage Digital, Transdisciplinaridad, Muticulturalidad, Sensemaking, Growth Hacking. Institute for the future



Kleiner Perkins US Data

Talento Redefinido

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As the workforce evolves, we’re seeing significant generation & demographics shifts. Millennials have been in the spotlight --will continue to be due to their scale, ratio of total workforce and their influence. In US, we’re talking about 92M Millennials (which is the group of people aged 15-35 as of 2015). We expect this group in US will dominate by 2025 -- 75% of the total workforce! That dominance is already happening in many countries – where their numbers are even This is an increasingly diverse workforce for managers who need to manage people with different backgrounds, and cultures, but also a mix of generations with differing upbringing, beliefs, principles, and motivations. There are many reports on Millennial characteristics and if we are not Millennials ourselves (I am not!), then be wary of any unconscious bias. For example, they have been described as the “Me Me Me” generation, but research shows they are probably the most collaborative and team working generation we have ever had.  

Goldman Sachs US Data

Cambios generacionales - Millenials

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Without stereotyping, further research shows this group is more committed to a sense of purpose than a company or institution. They always have their eyes open for new opportunities inside and outside their company Only 18% say they have plans to stay long-term with a company In their minds, a world of economic fluctuation, government and regulation changes, natural disasters, company’s acquiring and laying off, there is a lot of uncertainty outside the control of an individual For them, the concept of a job for life with a company is nonexistent Millennials are increasingly willing to take their destiny into their hands and as much as 70% say they would consider working independently, plus they strive for more flexibility with their time.   This may be obvious but this is a rising tide of workers with radically different norms, expectations and behaviors. The primary advice seems to be don’t try to control but “listen to them”.





2010 US Data: US Government; 2020 US Data: Intuit

Fuerza de trabajo cambiante

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This rising workforce is also driving some interesting changes in the way THEY think about work. Have you heard of the “gig” economy or gig workers? Many people think of this when they think of Uber, Lyft, Airbnb, but gig refers to the broader trend of workers who are freelance, outsourced, contract. We’ve traditionally leveraged vendors for non-core activities and work and we did this for cost and agility. But as this new workforce comes into play, and they don’t necessarily want to join a company, and as talent shortages drive demand, we expect we’ll reframe our balance and will have more outsourced workers than FTEs. Apple is already leveraging this trend toward relying on outsiders, and they directly employ less than 10 percent of the more than 1M workers around the world who are involved in designing, making and selling all those iMacs and iPhones. Between 2009 and 2012, according the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of temporary employees rose by 29%. Technology and the everywhere office is also going to change the nature of the workforce. People can decide to work from where they want and not be swayed to relocate simply because of their jobs. Data source for 2020: Data source for 2010:

Global Innovation Index 2017 rankings

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Cómo resolvemos las cosas en Latinoamérica? Ejemplos de innovaciones latinas. Viveza criolla. Ejemplo divertido.


Innovación en el siglo XXI

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Agregar cultura empresa ,redisño

Analítica Avanzada

What will happen?

How can we make it happen?

Advanced Analytics

Más allá de la AI

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First let’s start by level setting what we mean by Advanced Analytics. We often get asked whether Advanced Analytics is just “BI” with fancier branding. This chart helps to illustrate why that is not the case. Put simply, BI is a tool that is designed to show you what has happened so you can make your own decisions about what to do next. The next level – Advanced Analytics – allows you to take that data to the next level by having the computer predict what will happen next. This is more accurate than a human can ever hope to be, as the computer can reason over far more variables than a human can on a BI dashboard. But predictive is only the first step, the next step is once you are accurately predicting the future you can program the computer further to anticipate those occurrences and react accordingly.

Inteligencia Artificial - AI

Campos de la Inteligencia Artificial

Cognitive Services

Machine Learning

Deep Learning

Agricultura de precisiónBayer está trabajando conceptos y soluciones con sensores que toman los datos automáticamente del campo de la mano de plataformas con gran capacidad de almacenamiento de datos y análisis, incluyendo conceptos como Machine Learning.

CNX, Bayer & Microsoft Azure

En Avianca no todos trabajamos así.

Trabajamos así.

Utilizamos las herramientas disponibles para contar historias con los datos


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Realidad Umentada

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Working with the local entrepeneurs, Microsoft uses TV White Space to deliver broadband that helps mobilize communities, inprove education, and deliver telemedicine to rural hospitals