Howto Tftp Redhat Centos

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Transcript of Howto Tftp Redhat Centos

Instalación - configuración de DHCP, super demonio -XINETDy demonio hijo – tftp.

Junio 2011 – Versión 0.1

Autor: Rodrigo A. Reza GómezCorreo electrónico: - Sitio de Red: / Twitter: @rodman1942

Rodrigo A. Reza Gómez. Usted es libre de copiar, distribuir y comunicar públicamente la obra y hacer obras derivadas bajo las condiciones siguientes: a) Debe reconocer y citar al autor original. b) No puede utilizar esta obra para fines comerciales (incluyendo su publicación, a través de cualquier medio, por entidades con fines de lucro). c) Si altera o transforma esta obra, o genera una obra derivada, sólo puede distribuir la obra generada bajo una licencia idéntica a ésta. Al reutilizar o distribuir la obra, tiene que dejar bien claro los términos de la licencia de esta obra. Alguna de estas condiciones puede no aplicarse si se obtiene el permiso del titular de los derechos de autor. Los derechos derivados de usos legítimos u otras limitaciones no se ven afectados por lo anterior. Licencia completa en castellano. La información contenida en este documento y los derivados de éste se proporcionan tal cual son y los autores no asumirán responsabilidad alguna si el usuario o lector hace mal uso de éstos.


Antes de comenzar, debemos estar ciertos de tener un servidor DHCP corriendo, que permita mediante la opción 66, configurar las terminales Aastra con sus respectivos archivos de configuración.

Para saber si se cuenta con el servicio DHCP, ejecutamos:

[root@rodman1942 ~]# chkconfig --list | grep dhcp

Si el comando no nos devuelve nada esto indica que no esta instalado el demonio, para instalarlo ejecutamos:

[root@rodman1942 ~]# yum -y install dhcp

Loaded plugins: fastestmirrorLoading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * extras: * updates: mirrors.cmich.eduSetting up Install ProcessResolving Dependencies--> Running transaction check---> Package dhcp.i386 12:3.0.5-23.el5_6.4 set to be updated--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

================================================================================ Package Arch Version Repository Size

================================================================================Installing: dhcp i386 12:3.0.5-23.el5_6.4 updates 868 k

Transaction Summary================================================================================Install 1 Package(s)Upgrade 0 Package(s)

Total download size: 868 kDownloading Packages:dhcp-3.0.5-23.el5_6.4.i386.rpm | 868 kB 00:00 Running rpm_check_debugRunning Transaction TestFinished Transaction TestTransaction Test SucceededRunning Transaction Installing : dhcp 1/1

Installed: dhcp.i386 12:3.0.5-23.el5_6.4

Volvemos a ejecutar el query para conocer el status del demonio que hemos instalado:

[root@rodman1942 ~]# chkconfig --list | grep dhcp

Nos devolverá algo similar a esto:

dhcpd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off

La línea anterior hace referencia a los niveles de ejecución en los que se encuentra el demonio DHCP (NO detallaré que son los niveles de ejecución), para que el demonio este disponible desde el arranque del sistema tecleamos en la terminal lo siguiente:

[root@rodman1942~]# chkconfig dhcpd on

Una vez más corremos el query para apreciar los niveles de ejecución de nuestro demonio:

[root@rodman1942 ~]# chkconfig --list | grep dhcpdhcpd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

Ahora el servicio de encuentra encendido, bastará con editar el archivo de configuración con los valores deseados, si olvidar agregar la opción del demonio tftp, reiniciar el mismo para que podamos recibir IP's dinámicas en la LAN.

[root@rodman1942 ~]# vim /etc/dhcpd.conf

Ejemplo DHCP:

ddns-update-style interim;ignore client-updates;

subnet netmask {

# --- default gateway option routers; option subnet-mask;

option nis-domain ""; option domain-name ""; option domain-name-servers;

option time-offset -18000; # Eastern Standard Time option tftp-server-name ""; # option ntp-servers;# option netbios-name-servers;# --- Selects point-to-point node (default is hybrid). Don't change this unless# -- you understand Netbios very well# option netbios-node-type 2;

range dynamic-bootp; default-lease-time 21600; max-lease-time 43200;

# we want the nameserver to appear at a fixed address host ns { next-server; hardware ethernet 12:34:56:78:AB:CD; fixed-address; }}

Para finalizar con la configuración del demonio DHCP tecleamos:

[root@rodman1942 ~]# service dhcpd start

XINETD - tftp

Para aprovisionar terminales Aastra mediante el demonio hijo tftp es necesario tener instalados los siguientes paquetes:


Para saber si estos paquetes se encuentran instalados en el sistema realizaremos una consulta a la base de RPM's, para ello ejecutamos:

[root@rodman1942 ~]# rpm -qa | grep xinetd && rpm -qa | grep tftpxinetd-2.3.14-10.el5tftp-server-0.49-2.el5.centos

En caso de no contar con ellos bastará con ejecutar el siguiente comando para instalar ambos:

[root@rodman1942 ~]# yum -y install xinetd tftp-server

Para que xinetd este disponible desde el arranque del servidor tecleamos:

[root@rodman1942 ~]# chkconfig xinetd on[root@rodman1942 ~]# chkconfig –-list | grep xinetdxinetd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

Ahora editaremos el archivo de configuración de tftp, cambiamos en disable = yes por disable = no, quedando como siguiente:

[root@rodman1942 ~]# vim /etc/xinetd.d/tftp

# default: off# description: The tftp server serves files using the trivial file transfer \# protocol. The tftp protocol is often used to boot diskless \# workstations, download configuration files to network-aware printers, \# and to start the installation process for some operating systems.service tftp{ socket_type = dgram protocol = udp wait = yes user = root server = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd server_args = -s /tftpboot disable = no per_source = 11 cps = 100 2 flags = IPv4}

Reinicias xinetd:

[root@rodman1942 ~]# service xinetd restart Stopping xinetd: [ OK ]Starting xinetd: [ OK ]

Después de ello ejecutamos lo siguiente para validar que tftp ya se encuentre disponible:

[root@rodman1942 ~]# chkconfig –-list

xinetd based services:chargen-dgram: offchargen-stream: offcvs: offdaytime-dgram: offdaytime-stream: offdiscard-dgram: offdiscard-stream: offecho-dgram: offecho-stream: offeklogin: offekrb5-telnet: offgssftp: offklogin: offkrb5-telnet: offkshell: offrmcp: offrsync: offtcpmux-server: offtftp: ontime-dgram: offtime-stream: off

Lo siguiente será colocar los archivos de configuración de cada terminal en el tftp, y un

archivo general, al finalizar con esta tarea solo habrá que reiniciar cada uno de estas terminales para que tomen los parámetros correspondientes.

[root@rodman1942 ~]# cd /tftfpboot

Ejemplo de aastra.cfg (archivo general):

dhcp: 1language: 2

options simple menu: 1options password enabled: 1admin password: 22222web interface enabled: 1https redirect http get: 1

download protocol: TFTPtftp server: tftp server: alternate tftp: 0

auto resync mode: 3auto resync time: 06:00auto resync time: 06h00

tone set: Mexicosuppress dtmf playback: 1display dtmf digits: 0

#sip registration time: 60sip allow auto answer: 1sip intercom mute mic: 0sip play warning tone: 0

time server disabled: 0time server1:

time zone name: MX-Mexico Citytime zone code: GMTtime zone minutes: 60time format: 0

#softkey1 type: speeddial#softkey1 label: Pickup#softkey1 value: *8#softkey1 states: idle

#prgkey1 type: speeddial#prgkey1 label: "faxes"#prgkey1 value: 4296

Ejemplo de mac.cfg - 00085D190E7F.cfg (archivo particular):

sip auth name: 4264sip password: 749191752sip user name: 4264sip display name: Call Center 4264sip screen name: Call Center 4264sip screen name: Call Center 4264sip proxy ip:

sip proxy port: 5060sip registrar ip: registrar port: 5060

Realizando estos sencillos pasos las terminales están listas para registrarse en Asterisk.

Anexo 1.

##################################################################################################################### This file is designed as only a guide to creating a file for your Aastra IP Phones. # Seperate what you want into an aastra.cfg and a mac.cfg file respectively. Please read the admin guides.# Local.cfg (web or telephone applied settings) will always override server.cfg (config server loaded).# Mac.cfg statements will take precedence over the same statements in your aastra.cfg also.# Always check the troubleshooting web page of your phone to help avoid conflicts. # There you can compare the local.cfg and server.cfg. Send those two files to support if requesting help please.# All comments, preceeded by a "#", will be omitted from the phone's config. # Please be aware that dial plans or speeddials that need a #, will need to have quotes around the values. ##################################################################################################################### Created by: Layne Monson# Updated: 7/24/07 # Firmware: 1.4.2 / 2.0.2 or later############################################### NETWORK ############################################################dhcp: 1 #ip: #subnet mask: #default gateway: #dns1: #dns2:##ethernet port 0: 0#ethernet port 1: 0##sip nortel nat support: 0 # contact support#sip nortel nat timer: 60 # contact support#sip nat ip: # do not set for normal NAT installs contact support

#sip nat port: # do not set for normal NAT installs contact support##tagging enabled: 0 #VLAN id: 2 #tos rtp: 32 #tos rtcp: 32 #tos sip: 24 #tos priority map: (24,3)(32,4)(32,4) #priority non-ip: 5 #VLAN id port 1: 3 #QoS eth port 1 priority: 0 ############################################### SIPACCOUNT ####################################################phone will auto duplicate line1 through line4 (even though you can not see on web interface)#sip line1 screen name: onscreensip line1 display name: calleridsip line1 vmail: *104sip line1 auth name: 1004sip line1 user name: 1004sip line1 password: Eio42mnfds# sip line1 proxy ip: line1 registrar ip: line1 registration period: 3600##sip line1 proxy port: 5060#sip line1 registrar port: 5060##sip line1 backup proxy ip:#sip line1 backup proxy port:#sip line1 backup registrar ip:#sip line1 backup registrar port:##sip line1 mode: 0 # 0 = generic(default), 1 = BW SCA, 2 = Nortel, 3 = BLA#sip line1 bla number: #sip line1 outbound proxy:#sip line1 outbound proxy port: #sip line1 dtmf method: 0 #sip line1 ring tone: 0 #sip line1 forward number: 2813308004#sip line1 forward mode: 5 #5-busy, no answer works best########################################### CONFIGSERVER ##########################################################download protocol: TFTP tftp server: #alternate tftp server: alternate tftp: 0 #ftp server: #ftp username: aastra#ftp password: 480iaastra

#http server: #http path: firmware #https server: #2.0 phones only#https path: directory #2.0 phones only#directory 1: company_directory.csv #directory 2: personal_directory.csv ########################################### RESYNC ##################################################################auto resync mode: 0 # 0 = disabled (default), 1 = configs, 2 = firmware, 3 = both#auto resync time: 00:00 # reboots if files above changed, and up to 15 minutes after this time ########################################### DIALING ################################################################sip digit timeout: 4 sip dial plan: "x+#|xx+*" # note that this must be quoted since it contains a # character#sip dial plan terminator: 0 #emergency dial plan: 911 #used only when in 'phone lock' mode## Example dial plans......#sip dial plan: "[2-8]XXX|9[2-9]XXXXXXXXX|91[2-9]XXXXXXXXX|90X+#|910X+#|911|9911|0|#x+#|*x+#"#or#sip dial plan: [01]xxx|[2-8]xxxx|91xxxxxxxxxx# immediately send any 4 digit number beginning with a 0 or 1, any 5 digit number# beginning with a number between 2 and 8 (inclusive) or a 12 digit number# beginning with 91############################################# KEYS ################################################################# Use the following syntax and replace "softkey" with "prgkey" for HARDKEYS.# Use "topsoftkey" statements on 57i only# Use "expmod" statements on the 560M and 536M sidecar##################################################################################################################### type: line speeddial blf list dnd xml flash park pickup empty spre lcr # 2.0 only types: callers xfer directory conf services phonelock icom# # (blf and list are NOT applicable on the 9112i)# (53i keys must be unlocked to set all 6)(prgkey1 locked: 0 prgkey2 locked: 0)# (5i series of phones can do speeddial prefixing; *76+ , or 55+ values to add those digits then wait ### label: The maximum number of characters for this value is 11 for speeddials and 9 characters for lines and blf.## value: Phone number for "speeddials". Extension to be monitored for "BLF". ## line: This is line or registration associated to this key to be used## states: "idle", "connected", "incoming", "outgoing" ##softkey1 type: speeddial#softkey1 label: Mike Jones

#softkey1 value: 2813308004##prgkey6 type: speeddial#prgkey6 value: *55+##prgkey1 type: speeddial#prgkey1 value: 2813308004##softkey2 type: speeddial#softkey2 label: VMail#softkey2 value: *500#softkey2 states: "idle outgoing"##softkey5 type: xml#softkey5 label: News#softkey5 value: http:///SIPXML/rss.php#softkey5 states: idle connected incoming outgoing busy##softkey3 type: dnd#softkey3 label: DND##softkey4 type: line#softkey4 label: Sales#softkey4 line: 5##prgkey2 type: line#prgkey2 line: 6##softkey8 type: blf#softkey8 label: Jane Doe#softkey8 value: 4559#softkey8 line: 1##prgkey3 type: xml#prgkey3 value: type: xml#softkey1 value:$$SIPUSERNAME$$&auth=$$SIPAUTHNAME$$&url=$$PROXYURL$$##topsoftkey1 type: speeddial #57i only#topsoftkey1 label: Voice Mail#topsoftkey1 value: 3001################################################ SIDECARS ##############################################################expmod1page1left: Layne #list title on 560m sidecar#expmod1page1right: John##expmod1 key21 type: spre #sidecars only - 560m or 536M

#expmod1 key23 type: phonelock##expmod3 key1 type: speeddial #sidecars only - 560m or 536M#expmod3 key1 label: "Speed 401" #3rd attached sidecar#expmod3 key1 value: 401################################################# GAINS ################################################################ each of the following parameters can be adjusted by +/- 10db#headset tx gain: -3headset sidetone gain: -3handset tx gain: -3handset sidetone gain: -3handsfree tx gain: 0#handset volume: 5 #RX volumes - user adjustable, so easily changedspeaker volume: 5ringer volume: 3################################################ MISC ###################################################################options password enabled: 0 #admin password: 22222 # alpha characters not allowed#user password: #options password enabled: 0 #web interface enabled: 1 live dialpad: 1 #redial disabled: 0 #conference disabled: 0 #call trasfer disabled: 0 #map redial key to: #map conf key to: #call forward disabled: 0 #callers list disabled: 0 #missed calls indicator disabled: 0 #directory disabled: 0 #display dtmf digits: 1 #2.0 line of phones only #backlight mode: 2 #2.0 line of phones only #bl on time: 30 #2.0 line of phones only #displayName1: #displayName2: #stutter disabled: 1 #call waiting tone: 1 #priority alerting enabled: 1 #language: 0 #0 = English (default)1 = French 2 = Spanish 3 = German 4 = Italian#language 1: lang_de.txt #two call support: 0 # 480i CT model only#suppress dtmf playback: 0 ########### outgoingintercomsettings #############

#sip intercom type: 2 #sip intercom prefix code: *96 #sip intercom line: 1 ##### incomingintercomsettings ### makesureyouarereceivingthecorrectalertinfoheaderinINVITE##info=alert-autoanswer #### #sip intercom mute mic: 1#sip intercom warning tone: 0 #2.0 line of phones only #sip intercom allow barge in: 0 #2.0 line of phones only #sip allow auto answer: 1 #audio mode: 2 #0 = speaker (default)1 = headset 2 = speaker/headset 3 = headset/speaker#directed call pickup: 1#directed call pickup prefix: 678 #5i series of phones ONLY#play a ring splash: 1 #list uri: #used for BLF list on broadsoft servers #incoming call cancels dialing: 0#goodbye cancels incoming call: 0#sprecode: 248 #park key#pickupsprecode: 248 #pickup key###################################################################################################LOGS##############PHONE LOGGING use freeware 'Kiwi enterprises syslog daemon' NOTE install as an application after downloading.#After you are setup and seeing logs come in to Kiwi window - reproduce the issue- then#Search C: for a file named syslogcatchall, email it to support with a time that you saw the issue occur. #Rebooting the phone will also make it easier for us to find the issue in the logs.##log server ip: <ip address of the PC with Kiwi running>#log server port: 514#log level: 0 #0-debug 1-info 2-warn 3-error 4-fatal #use this for 1.4 line of phones##log module linemgr: 65535 #use these for 2.0 line of phones#log module user interface: 65535#log module misc: 65535#log module sip: 65535#log module dis: 65535#log module dstore: 65535#log module ept: 65535#log module ind: 65535#log module kbd: 65535#log module net: 65535#log module provis: 65535#log module rtpt: 65535#log module snd: 65535#log module prof: 65535##log format: 2 #0-user 1-debug 2-verbose #not needed#log device: 1 #0-console 1-network 2-both #not needed##################################################### TIME ###########################################################time server disabled: 0

time server1: server2:#time server3: #time zone name: GB-London # set these next if time not correct after time server#time zone code: GMT # set these next if time not correct after time server#time zone minutes: 60 # LAST manually adjust + or - values here# # beware DST change 2007, firmware needs to be or later for fixes #time format: 1 # (0=12hr, 1=24hr)#date format: 4 # 0: WWW MMM DD, 1: DD-MMM-YY, 2: YYYY-MM-DD, 3: DD/MM/YYYY# # 4: DD/MM/YY, 5: DD-MM-YY, 6: MM/DD/YY, 7: MMM DD#dst minutes: # manually adjust the daylight saving time using - or + integers#dst start relative date:#dst start month:#dst start day:#dst start week:#dst start hour:#dst end relative date:#dst end month:#dst end day:#dst end week:#dst end hour:##The following are the names of the time zones and their corresponding time zone codes:## AD-Andorra CET AG-Antigua AST AI-Anguilla AST AL-Tirane CET AN-Curacao AST # AR-Buenos Aires ART AS-Pago Pago BST AT-Vienna CET AU-Lord Howe LHS AU-Tasmania EST # AU-Melbourne EST AU-Sydney EST AU-Broken Hill CST AU-Brisbane EST AU-Lindeman EST # AU-Adelaide CST AU-Darwin CST AU-Perth WST AW-Aruba AST BA-Sarajevo EET # BB-Barbados AST BE-Brussels CET BG-Sofia EET BM-Bermuda AST BO-La Paz BOT # BR-Noronha FNT BR-Belem BRT BR-Fortaleza BRT BR-Recife BRT BR-Araguaina BRS # BR-Maceio BRT BR-Sao Paulo BRS BR-Cuiaba AMS BR-Porto Velho AMT BR-Boa Vista AMT # BR-Manaus AMT BR-Eirunepe ACT BR-Rio Branco ACT BS-Nassau EST BY-Minsk EET # BZ-Belize CST CA-Newfoundland NST CA-Atlantic AST CA-Eastern EST CA-Saskatchewan EST # CA-Central CST CA-Mountain MST CA-Pacific PST CA-Yukon PST CH-Zurich CET # CK-Rarotonga CKS CL-Santiago CLS CL-Easter EAS CN-China CST CO-Bogota COS # CR-Costa Rica CST CU-Havana CST CY-Nicosia EES CZ-Prague CET DE-Berlin CET # DK-Copenhagen CET DM-Dominica AST DO-Santo Domingo AST EE-Tallinn EET ES-Madrid

CET # ES-Canary WET FI-Helsinki EET FJ-Fiji NZT FK-Stanley FKS FO-Faeroe WET # FR-Paris CET GB-London GMT GB-Belfast GMT GD-Grenada AST GF-Cayenne GFT # GI-Gibraltar CET GP-Guadeloupe AST GR-Athens EET GS-South Georgia GST GT-Guatemala CST # GU-Guam CST GY-Guyana GYT HK-Hong Kong HKS HN-Tegucigalpa CST HR-Zagreb CET # HT-Port-au-Prince EST HU-Budapest CET IE-Dublin GMT IS-Reykjavik GMT IT-Rome CET # JM-Jamaica EST JP-Tokyo JST KY-Cayman EST LC-St Lucia AST LI-Vaduz CET # LT-Vilnius EET LU-Luxembourg CET LV-Riga EET MC-Monaco CET MD-Chisinau EET # MK-Skopje CET MQ-Martinique AST MS-Montserrat AST MT-Malta CET MX-Mexico City CST # MX-Cancun CST MX-Merida CST MX-Monterrey CST MX-Mazatlan MST MX-Chihuahua MST # MX-Hermosillo MST MX-Tijuana PST NI-Managua CST NL-Amsterdam CET NO-Oslo CET # NR-Nauru NRT NU-Niue NUT NZ-Auckland NZS NZ-Chatham CHA PA-Panama EST # PE-Lima PES PL-Warsaw CET PR-Puerto Rico AST PT-Lisbon WET PT-Madeira WET # PT-Azores AZO PY-Asuncion PYS RO-Bucharest EET RU-Kaliningrad EET RU-Moscow MSK # RU-Samara SAM RU-Yekaterinburg YEK RU-Omsk OMS RU-Novosibirsk NOV RU-Krasnoyarsk KRA # RU-Irkutsk IRK RU-Yakutsk YAK RU-Vladivostok VLA RU-Sakhalin SAK RU-Magadan MAG # RU-Kamchatka PET RU-Anadyr ANA SE-Stockholm CET SG-Singapore SGT SI-Ljubljana CET # SK-Bratislava CET SM-San Marino CET SR-Paramaribo SRT SV-El Salvador CST TR-Istanbul EET # TT-Port of Spain AST TW-Taipei CST UA-Kiev EET US-Eastern EST US-Central CST # US-Mountain MST US-Pacific PST US-Alaska AKS US-Aleutian HAS US-Hawaii HST # UY-Montevideo UYS VA-Vatican CET YU-Belgrade CET #################################################### XML ###################################################################xml application URI: #xml application post list: # push server#xml application title: test.xml # customizes the name displayed under the services menu#xml beep notification: 0#xml status scroll delay: 6#xml get timeout: 1#action uri startup:$$SIPAUTHNAME$$&cfg=1182462137&url=$$PROXYURL$$#action uri registered:$$SIPAUTHNAME$$&dirn=$

$SIPUSERNAME$$&user=$$DISPLAYNAME$$&url=$$PROXYURL$$#action uri offhook:$$SIPAUTHNAME$$&dirn=$$SIPUSERNAME$$&url=$$PROXYURL$$#action uri onhook:$$SIPAUTHNAME$$&dirn=$$SIPUSERNAME$$&url=$$PROXYURL$$#action uri incoming:$$SIPAUTHNAME$$&dirn=$$SIPUSERNAME$$&remote=$$REMOTENUMBER$$&inc=$$INCOMINGNAME$$&url=$$PROXYURL$$#action uri outgoing:$$SIPAUTHNAME$$&dirn=$$SIPUSERNAME$$&remote=$$REMOTENUMBER$$&url=$$PROXYURL$$#

1. GLOBALSIP ##############################################################

###Please use per line settings instead if possible!####sip proxy ip:#sip proxy port:#sip registrar ip:#sip registrar port:#sip outbound proxy:#sip outbound proxy port: #sip registration period: 3600 ##sip backup proxy ip:#sip backup proxy port:#sip backup registrar ip:#sip backup registrar port:####Please use per line settings instead if possible!#####sip screen name: Joe Smith #sip user name: 4256 #sip auth name: 4256 #sip password: 12345 #sip display name: Joseph Smith #callerid #sip vmail: *78 #sip mode: 0 #sip bla number: #ring tone: 0 #tone set: uk ################################################## OTHERSIP ####################################################################sip registration retry timer: 1800 #only used if sip server rejects the reg attempt #sip registration timeout retry timer: 120 #only used if sip server does not respond#sip registration renewal timer: 15 #how early, in seconds, it renews registrations#set to 5 on short reg period#sip blf subscription period: 1800 #sip explicit mwi subscription: 1 #sip explicit mwi subscription period: 86400 #sip session timer: 0 # setting a value in seconds enables support of RFC4028

#sip T1 timer: 500 #sip T2 timer: 4 #sip transaction timer: 4000 #sip transport protocol: 0 # UDP(1), TCP(2) or both(0)#sip rtp port: 10000 # base RTP port phone uses for sending audio stream#sip use basic codecs: 0 #sip out-of-band dtmf: 0 #sip customized codec: #example: payload=8;ptime=20;silsupp=off ##makesure 'use basic codecs' is off###sip dtmf method: 1 # 0 = RTP, 1 = SIP INFO, 2 = BOTH (default = 0)#sip silence suppression: 1 #sip send mac: 0 #sip send line: 0 #sip cancel after blind transfer: 0 #sip update callerid: 0 ####################################################################################################################