Extra Practice Guide PUEF 2015

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Transcript of Extra Practice Guide PUEF 2015

Clases Prácticas - Capacitación de idioma Inglés I

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Prof. Ma. Candela Pérez Albizú

Clases Prácticas - Capacitación de idioma Inglés I

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A. Make a list of tips and advice on how to live longer. B. Read the article about the lifestyle on the island of Okinawa in Japan. Which ideas from A are mentioned?

Clases Prácticas - Capacitación de idioma Inglés I

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C. Read the text again and say if the following sentences are T (true) or F (false):

1. Chiako leads a sedentary life. ___

2. There are many old people (centenarians) in her community. ___

3. Okinawa is the name of a Taiwanese Beach. ___

4. Okinawans eat lots of carbohydrates. ___

5. Their lives are peaceful. ___

6. The people in Okinawa have small families but many friends. ___

7. Okinawans have discovered a magic pill for living longer. ___

D. Translate the text.

(Adapted from Inside out, Pre-Intermediate, Lesson16, Macmillan Education)

Clases Prácticas - Capacitación de idioma Inglés I

Página 4


A. Read the introduction to the article and answer the questions.

Is our body age the same as our calendar age?

How can we calculate our body age?

What should we do if our body age is older than our calendar age?

B. Look at the photo of Tariq and read about him. Underline the things he does that are good. Circle the things he does that are bad. C. Cover the Doctor´s verdict. What do you think he should do? D. Now read the Doctor´s verdict. What the advice the same as yours? What do you think his body age is? E. Translate the text. (Adapted from New English File, Pre-Intermediate, Lesson 8B, OUP )

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A. Before reading the text, decide which of these sports is the oldest and in which country they started. basketball__________ football__________ tennis__________

The origins of sports Sports like tennis, basketball and football are multi-

billion pound industries today, but what are their origins and how did they

become the sports we play today? It’s difficult to say exactly when football

started, but there is scientific evidence of a game in the 2 nd and 3 rd

centuries BC in China called ‘Tsu' Chu’, where the players had to kick a

leather ball through a 30–40 cm hole into a small net. But the major

development of football was in the Middle Ages. At that time, there was no

limit on the number of players and very few rules, and matches were often

very noisy and violent. In fact, between 1314 and 1667 the authorities tried

to ban football more than 30 times. The rules of football date back to 1660 in

a book of sports where it talked about a pitch, goals and the basic positions

for players. The game of tennis probably started with French monks as a form

of entertainment in the 11th or 12th century. At first, players hit the ball with

their hands, then later with a glove until finally they used a racquet. The first

ball was wooden, followed by a leather ball and later the bouncy rubber ball

used today. Tennis was very popular in Europe in the 14th century, especially

in France. The name tennis probably comes from the French word tenez,

meaning ‘take’. At one time in England, tennis was so popular that the Pope

tried to ban it. The modern rules of tennis date back to 1882. Basketball

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started in the USA in 1891 when a teacher, James Naismith, had to invent a

game for his school’s athletes in winter. He used two fruit baskets, which he

hung 10 feet up, and a football. As there was no hole in the basket, every

time a player put the ball in the basket they had to climb up and get it out.

Later they used a net with a metal ring and in 1906 they started opening the

net to let the ball fall through. Because of its simple equipment, indoor play

and simple rules, basketball became popular very quickly. Probably the most

famous basketball team is the Harlem Globetrotters, who are famous for

their basketball acrobatics and funny routines. These three games are some

of the most popular games in the world today, with football as the most

popular with over three billion fans. 1 Before reading the text, decide which

of these sports is the oldest and in which country they started.

B. Here are some numbers from the article. Match them with the correct information. Then read the article quickly to check your answers. 2 3 10 14 30 30–40 1314 1667 1906 1 In the game ‘Tsu’ Chu’ players had to kick a ball through a

__________ cm hole.

2 The authorities tried to ban football _________ times between

_________ and __________.

3 Tennis was very popular in Europe in the ____________ th century.

4 The first basketball game used __________ fruit baskets hung

________ feet up.

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5 In ___________ they first opened up the net to let the basketball fall


6 Football is the most popular sport in the world with over _________

billion fans.

C. Circle the correct words needed to complete the sentences below. 1 In ‘Tsu’ Chu’ players used a rubber / leather ball.

2 In modern football, players kick / hit a ball into a basket / goal.

3 The instructions / rules for football date back to 1660.

4 In the Middle Ages, football matches / competitions were very noisy

and violent.

5 In modern tennis, players kick / hit the ball with a racquet / glove.

6 In the first game of basketball, players put the ball into a basket / net.

7 Later they used a wooden / metal ring.

8 Basketball uses very simple equipment / tools.

D. Contextual reference: What do the highlighted words in the text refer to? E. Translate the text. This page has been downloaded from www.macmillanglobal.com It is photocopiable, but all copies must be

complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011

Clases Prácticas - Capacitación de idioma Inglés I

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A. Read the article quickly and complete the table below.

Name Nationality Disability

Profession 2


The film, ‘The King’s Speech’, showed audiences that disability needn’t

prevent someone from achieving the most challenging goals – by finding

unique ways to do things others take for granted – by becoming ‘differently

able’. South African athlete, Oscar Pistorius, has always had a passion for

sport, despite having both legs amputated below the knee when he was

one year old. But it was only after a rugby accident at the age of 17, that

he took up athletics. He was incredibly successful, breaking the world

record for the 100 metres in his category only two months later. He has gone

on to break the world records for 100 metres, 200 metres and 400 metres 27

times and in 2008, in Beijing, became the first athlete to win these three

events at one Paralympics. Not content with these achievements, Oscar

has set his sights on competing in London in 2012, not just in the

Paralympics, but in the Olympic Games, running against able-bodied

athletes. He has had to fight for the right to compete in open events,

because of the accusation that his prosthetic limbs give him an unfair

advantage. In this fight, Oscar once again, has come out on top. Scottish

musician Evelyn Glennie is the first person in music history to pursue a career

as a solo percussionist. Indeed, she is one of the most successful musicians in

any field, having commissioned more new works than any other performer

and performed in over 40 countries. She manages to fit in over 100 concerts

every year, in addition to her numerous other activities. Unlike most

musicians, Evelyn does not restrict herself to one instrument. In fact, when

she performs, the stage is filled with up to 60 different instruments. And not

many other musicians perform in bare feet. This helps her avoid making

noise as she moves between instruments, but also helps her ‘feel’ the

sounds. Because another remarkable fact about Evelyn is that she has been

deaf since the age of 12. Like Oscar, Evelyn challenges our ideas about

what it means to be able or disabled. Her deafness does not mean she

Clases Prácticas - Capacitación de idioma Inglés I

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cannot hear, but that she ‘hears’ differently – she hears with her whole

body. Her ‘disability’ has been part of a special talent which has been

recognised by over 80 international awards for her work. Two determined

individuals who are differently able but equally brilliant!

B. Here are some numbers from the article. Match them with the correct information. Then read the article quickly to check your answers.

17 27 40+ 100+ 60 80+ 1 International awards that Evelyn has received _____ 2 Number of times Oscar has broken world records _____ 3 Number of concerts Evelyn performs every year _____ 4 Number of instruments Evelyn may have on stage _____ 5 Age that Oscar started competitive running _____ 6 Countries Evelyn has performed in _____ C. Contextual reference: What do the highlighted words in the text refer to? D. Translate the text. This page has been downloaded from www.macmillanglobal.com It is photocopiable, but all copies must be

complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011

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Página 11


A. Read the article and then answer the questions.

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Clases Prácticas - Capacitación de idioma Inglés I

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Which of the following events happened first?

basketball was invented

World Cup competition was invented

baseball began in the U.S.

organized soccer games began

2- Pelé is a famous

soccer player.

baseball coach.

basketball player.

baseball player.

3- Read this sentence from the story.

With his fast footwork, dazzling speed, and great scoring

ability, Pelé played for many years in Brazil, and then

later in New York.

What does dazzling mean?





4- What conclusion can you draw from this article?

Sports are more popular in Brazil than in the U.S.

Most sports involve kicking a ball.

Sports can be very dangerous.

Sports are popular in many different countries.

Clases Prácticas - Capacitación de idioma Inglés I

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5- Read this sentence from the story.

Field players wear baseball gloves to protect their hands.

What is an antonym for the word protect?





6- Which of the following is an opinion?

The rules of soccer state that goalies are allowed to

touch the ball with their hands.

Basketball was first played with peach baskets

attached to railings.

Because it is popular in so many countries, soccer is

the sport that is the most fun to play.

In baseball, a player can touch the ball to the base or

to the runner to get the runner out.

B.Contextual reference: What do the highlighted words in the text refer to? C. Translate the text.

(Source: http://www.pearsonlongman.com/ae/marketing/sfesl/tests/grade6.html#question2)

Clases Prácticas - Capacitación de idioma Inglés I

Página 16


A. Read the article quickly and answer the questions below.

Crime-time Basketball Alfred Jones didn't have much going for him when he was 17; a high school

dropout living in the poor Atlanta suburb of Jonesboro South, he had little to look forward to other than a life of unemployment and petty crime, if not

more crime. No one respected young men like Alfred, and Alfred had no self respect either. No ambitions.

Yet today Alfred is a student at Atlanta's Clark University, his self respect has returned, and he's looking forward to getting a proper job. It's

all down to basketball.... and a bit more. Crime comes easily to many young men in the tough parts of America's cities; it's almost second nature, specially to guys who have no jobs and no money, and nothing to do. It comes easily at any time of day, of course; but at night it comes more easily still. The middle of the night is prime time for crime, and it always has been, specially when the nights are warm and it's good to be out of doors. Yet the level of crime in America's big cities has fallen considerably in recent years. In some cities, such as New York, the fall has been spectacular, and though America's cities may still be dangerous places at night, compared to most European cities, the improvement is real. One reason for this improvement is statistical; the number of young men in the 15-25 age group has fallen. However there are other factors too, including stricter policing; but less spectacularly, perhaps, there are also the numerous programs that have been set up, by cities and volunteer groups, to provide young people with alternatives to crime. While Curtis Sliwa's Guardian Angels showed New Yorkers, then people in other cities, that tough young men could be just as happy and effective combating crime as participating in it, many other programs have also helped bring down the crime rate. The idea behind them all is much the same; to give people something constructive or enjoyable to do, and channel their efforts away from crime. The concept of Midnight Basketball was first launched in 1986 in Maryland, by a retired federal employee, G. Van Standifer working at the

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time as town manager at Glendarden, a suburb of Washington. The federal capital has one of the highest rates of criminality in the U.S.A.. Faced with an "escalating crime rate" among "at risk" young men, mostly Blacks, Van Standifer saw that one of the main reasons for the rapidly worsening situation was boredom, the fact that young men had nothing to do - or at least, nothing they could afford to do, given that few of them had jobs. With the help of some friends and volunteers, he set up the first Midnight Basketball program, opening the doors of a local sports center from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., and inviting in anyone who wanted a game. Word soon got round, and before long groups of Glendarden's young men were dropping in to take part or cheer on their friends. The idea spread, and before long other cities and urban areas started opening up facilities to encourage young men in off the streets for basketball; by the early 90's, Midnight Basketball programs were running in 44 American cities, and a network of regional leagues was established. In 2014, twenty-eight years later, after some ups and downs, the concept of Midnight Basketball is still going strong, and Midnight Basketball tournaments are organised in many US cities, such as New Orleans, Newark and San Antonio. The idea has even spread to Australia.. However, there is more to Midnight Basketball than just playing ball; there are conditions. Many players first take part in a "HOPE" session, HOPE being an acronym for Helping Other People Evolve. Hope is a commodity that is often in short supply in America's run-down inner cities; at Midnight Basketball HOPE sessions, educators, community leaders and people with useful skills show 17-25 year olds how they can improve their situation in life. Pre-game seminars concentrate on subjects such as getting a job, respect for women, and developing skills. When appropriate, participants are encouraged to get back into education of some sort. Many participants in the Midnight Basketball program are indeed high school dropouts, with no skills and no qualifications; for some, Midnight Basketball provides an opening that they would never otherwise have had. Alfred Jones is just one young man from the suburbs of Atlanta who has been successful; others, in other US cities, have done as well as he has, or even better. Alternatively, like Tony Johnson from San Francisco, they have got jobs. "I've changed my life completely," says Tony, who now has a full-time job with Nestlé. Previously, Tony's life was just "hangin' on the streets, bein' a menace, sellin' drugs."

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Not all Midnight Basketballers will end up with a job or a qualification; not all will abandon crime. "It brings a lot of criminals to one spot and keeps 'em off the streets 'til it's over," says a San Francisco cop, without much enthusiasm. In San Francisco, as elsewhere, uniformed cops regularly sit in with the spectators, as trouble can flare up easily at Midnight Basketball sessions. Yet for many, Midnight Basketball has provided at least a first foot back on the road to hope; and that is a chance that, without it, they might never have had.

Clases Prácticas - Capacitación de idioma Inglés I

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1) When is the prime time for crime?


2) Where has the spectacular fall in crime been?


3) What are the reasons for this improvement?


4) What is the idea behind the programs?


5) When was the concept of Basketball at Midnight first launched?


6)What was one of the main reasons for the worsening situation?


7)How many young men take part today?


B. Contextual reference: What do the highlighted words in the text refer to? C. Translate the text.

(Source: http://linguapress.com/advanced/midnight-basketball.htm)