dossier ángeles y demonios

Post on 04-Apr-2018

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Transcript of dossier ángeles y demonios

  • 7/29/2019 dossier ngeles y demonios



    Lo veo. Siempre est all, mezclado entre la gente, mirndome con esos ojos

    llenos de un amor raro. Recuerdo que su rostro era ms alegre cuando yo era un

    nio, su faz se vea ms luminosa y sonrea con mucha frecuencia. Ahora ya no

    sonre, hace aos dej de hacerlo, pero siempre est all, tras mis pasos,

    observndome con tristeza en los ojos. Cuanto ms triste est, ms alegre se

    siente el sujeto que lleg cuando l dej de sonrer; en un principio se acerc con

    timidez y, desde entonces, me impulsa con malvola insistencia a hacer lo que el

    otro se niega a aprobar. Hoy los he visto enfrentarse, el de los ojos tristes

    despleg dos enormes alas cuando el del rabo intent atacarlo. Se disputan la paz

    de mi alma y de mi conciencia; en el fondo, ambos cumplen el trabajo para el que

    han sido creados. Me ro, mientras hundo la jeringa en mi antebrazo y el dolor y

    los temblores comienzan a desaparecer Aun as, mi ngel de la guarda no

    desiste, s que luchar hasta el fin por hacerme volver al camino correcto. En mi

    inconciencia, mientras me hundo en los laberintos de la droga sin la que ya no

    puedo vivir, veo a mi demonio personal sentado junto a m, clavando ms hondo

    la jeringa, riendo con perversidad.


    I see it. It is always there, mixed between the people, looking with these eyes full of

    a rare love. I remember that his face was happier when I was a child, his face was

    turning out to be more luminous and was smiling with great frequency. Now he

    does not smile already, years ago it stopped doing it, but always it is there, after

    my steps, observing me with sadness in the eyes. The sadder it is, the happier one

    feels the subject that came when he stopped smiling; in a beginning it approached

    with shyness and, since then, it impels me with malevolent insistence to do what

    other refuses to pass. Today I have seen them facing, that of the sad eyes opened

    two enormous wings when that of the tail tried to attack it. There is disputed the

  • 7/29/2019 dossier ngeles y demonios


    peace of my soul and of my conscience; in the fund, both fulfill the work for the one

    that they have been created. I laugh, while I sink the syringe in my forearm and the

    pain and the quakes begin to disappear Nevertheless, my guardian angel does

    not desist, I know that it will fight up to the end to make me return to the correct

    way. In my unconscience, while I sink in the labyrinths of the drug without which I

    cannot already live, I see my personal seated demon along with me, fixing deeper

    the syringe, laughing with perversity.