Daniel ocaña rodríguez 3 c inglés 15 febrero 2014

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Transcript of Daniel ocaña rodríguez 3 c inglés 15 febrero 2014

Shadow City



Pollution and population





This city, will be in te year 2087. The human being made a lot of mistakes during his evolution to finish in a complicated life.

Pollution and population

The pollution in this town is going to be a big problem because the people are going out with special masks to breath normaly. This will be a big problem because is going to do difficult the relationship between people.

Also, to do sport activities, studies and social meetings, people will go to special closed places where there isn`t polluted air.


Every building, every hause in this city will be special building because the pollution, cant not go in.


The cars will be development, they are going to be incredibles flying cars and very fast.

The airplanes wont be very diferent but faster.

In general, old transports will be faster than today.


The politics wont be good. The example is that the world will be full of pollution and nobody will do anything at all. In that moment everybody will do the posible to change but maybe is going to be too late.