Dalguise presentation

Post on 18-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Dalguise presentation

The aim of this evening is to share with you more The aim of this evening is to share with you more information about the holiday ensuring you and your information about the holiday ensuring you and your child get the most out of the 3 days. child get the most out of the 3 days.

Currie Community High School has used PGL Dalguise for nearly 15 years and the facilities and range of activities are excellent.

PGL have been providing adventure holidays to children since 1957.

It’s a fantastic forested site overlooking the River Tay, at the heart of Perthshire, near Dunkeld

07.00 - PGL staff wake up the group08.15 - Breakfast (English or Continental, cereal, toast and drinks) 09.00- First activity session10.30 - Break 10.45 - Second activity session12.15 - Hot lunch or packed lunch 13.45 - Third activity session15.15 - Break 15.30 - Fourth activity session17.00 - Supervised free time17.30 - 19.00 - 2 course evening meal19.00 – 20.30 - Evening entertainment. Group Leaders assist Party Leaders until

21.00. From 21.00 - 23.00 there will be PGL staff on active night duty. Through the night there will always be a senior PGL staff member on call.

Mr FarrenMrs BraisbyMiss DeansMrs DuffinMr WatsonMr HarleyMiss MoarMr McBride

Activity leadersGroupiesCatering staffManagement

Pupils come to school at the normal time.Bags are left in the LRCSign in Medicines with the group leaderAiming to leave school at 13.30pmChildren to take a packed lunch in disposable packaging

We will be at PGL for 3pm before settling in and starting activities in the evening

The pupils have an activity that finishes about 5pm which is followed by dinner.

We intend to be back by about 7.30pm on the Sunday evening but traffic conditions may affect this.

Please keep checking twitter (@curriechs) as we will keep you up to date with any changing circumstances.

Essential items - OLD, CASUAL is essential Night clothes Several changes of underwear (including socks) Jumpers / fleeces / t shirts – long sleeved and

short Old trousers – tracksuit bottoms are best (1

activity 1 evening) Shorts (if warm) 2 pairs of trainers Waterproof (if you have one)

Drinks bottle Sun tan lotion / after-sun – important Sun hat / cap

Wash bag At least 1 towel

Strong plastic bags (for dirty washing) Sleeping bag / quilt and pillow

Items not allowed Mobile phones

Hand held games

Personal CD player etc.

Electrical hair appliances

Aerosols (they tend to set off smoke alarms!). Roll on deoderants are allowed.

PGL are informed of medical information prior to departure If your child has regular medicine we will need to take it with us. You must provide us with enough medicine for the duration of the

holiday, it must be in date, named and the requirements for taking it clearly identified. It must have a printed doctor’s label on it.

Most children can control their conditions, however if this is not the case parents should produce clear written guidelines as to what action the Party Leader must take.

Qualified First Aiders are always available at the centre. We are taking trained EPI pen staff. First aid kits are taken to activities. We, and PGL staff, control the risks to avoid any injuries / accidents.

Max £10 for the trip There is a shop on site that the pupils will have the

opportunity to visit once per day. They sell confectionary and small gifts.

Pupils are responsible for their own money so should have a clearly named purse or wallet.

Exceptional behaviour is expected at all times and it is imperative in ensuring that we all have a happy and safe time.

The expectations we have for the pupils’ behaviour and conduct will be made very clear to the children before we leave.

Please remind your children of how we and the staff expect them to behave.

We and the PGL staff are able to remove children from activities if their behaviour is putting others at risk.

Serious incidents of misbehaviour may warrant contacting parents to arrange for their child to be collected from the premises and withdrawn from the trip.

Always be polite to instructors and other centre staff. Always follow instructions immediately. Only go in your own room. Remember to tidy away after yourself when you have

finished a meal. Tell someone if you are unhappy or feeling unwell.

Safety is our and the centre’s priority. Instructors trained to high levels. Staff available all of the time including school staff

• All safety equipment is provided by PGL.

• Pupils are told how to use the equipment before they start the activity and centre leaders check it is fastened, fits etc.

• The site is very safe and secure. There is always a member of PGL staff on call over night.

• A master key for dormitories will be held by school staff for the duration of the visit

The cost of trip covers insurance. We are all covered by the City of Edinburgh Insurance

Policy. We are also covered by PGL insurance

It is school and the centre’s policy not to allow children to phone home during their time away – unless it is their birthday.

There will be contact with the school everyday – keep an eye on the school website/Twitter for up-dates.

Children are not allowed to bring mobile phones.

There will be two separate groupings:•Room groups (Children will be given their room groups on the day of departure but will have had the opportunity to select a preferred companion; 2 staff rooms at either end of the children’s rooms)•Activity groups – There will be 5 of these with approximately 11 in each.

All dietary requirements need to be identified before we go, otherwise they will not be catered for.

Sample menu could include:Breakfast – choice of cereals and hot breakfast itemsLunch – jacket potatoes with choice of fillings and salad barDinner – pasta bolognaise/fish cake/cheese onion and potato pie with chips and peas followed by ice cream sponge roll

AbseilingClimbingRaft buildingVertical ChallengeTrapezeGiant SwingZip wireDisco

Subscribe to the website and receive an email whenever new articles are posted.

If something is posted you will receive an email towards the end of the day. If nothing is posted on the website, no email. All you need to do is enter your email address on the right hand side of the front page where it says follow us by email, then verify your subscription. We also have a twitter account, @currieCHS, that is also an important method of communication with our parents and students. Please follow us to keep up to date with important school events.

Any questions?

Remember, it is your ‘holiday’ as well!