Cuadernillo de contenidos y actividades para el alumnado ...€¦ · Cuadernillo de contenidos y...

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Transcript of Cuadernillo de contenidos y actividades para el alumnado ...€¦ · Cuadernillo de contenidos y...

Cuadernillo de contenidos y actividades para el alumnado con inglés de 3º de ESO

pendiente Curso 2019-2020

Centro Docente Privado


C/ Campomanes, 1

04001 - ALMERIA

Programa de Refuerzo



1 Tacha la palabra que no pertenezca al grupo arriba. Luego escribe esta palabra tachado al lado de su descripción abajo.

1. chilli • lemonade • drinking chocolate • milkshake

2. cauliflower • broccoli • spinach • prawn

3. cherries • mashed potatoes • raspberries • nuts

4. bacon • steak • lentil • salmon

a. It isn’t from an animal. ………………………

b. It isn’t a drink. ………………………

c. It isn’t a vegetable. ………………………

d. It isn’t a fruit. ………………………

2 Separa las diferentes palabras en la serpiente de letras. Luego completa las frases de abajo con dichas palabras.

c r i s p s t o a s t b i s c u i t m u e s l i t u n a j a m b u t t e r a v o c a d o o m e l e t t e

1. ……………………… is a breakfast food with fruit and nuts.

2. People make ……………………… from potatoes.

3. You need eggs to make an ……………………… .

4. People use bread to make ……………………… .

5. An ……………………… grows on a tree.

6. ……………………… is a type of fish.

7. A ……………………… is a type of small cake.

8. You make ……………………… from fruit and sugar.

9. You make ……………………… from milk.

3 Tacha el adjetivo que NO describe la palabra de la imagen.

4 Observa la imagen y rodea en las frases de abajo el cuantificador correcto.

5 Selecciona la respuesta correcta.

6 Completa las preguntas con HOW MUCH o con HOW MANY.


1 Une las actividades artísticas con sus intrumentos necesarios correspondientes.

2 Rodea el adjetivo correcto para que la frase tenga sentido.

1. Picasso was very gloomy / imaginative / invisible. He started a new type of art called Cubism.

2. The drawings of Paul Cadden are disappointing / ordinary / extraordinary! The people in them look real.

3. I don't like modern / cheerful / surprising art. I prefer paintings from the 1800s.

4. I got some beautiful pottery for my birthday. It was a very ordinary / special / dull day.

5. This isn't an imaginative / a surprising / a realistic drawing. The cat is flying.

6. I can hear him but I can't see him. He's dull / invisible / bright.

7. She usually wears light / dark / disappointing colours like white or pink.

3 Completa las oraciones con el Present Simple en afirmativo, negativo o interrogativo.

1. My brother …works….. (work) in an office. (ejemplo)

2. We …………………. (like) funny jokes.

3. I …………………………. (not ride) a bike.

4. …………………. your mum …………………. (make) pizza on Saturday nights?

5. Angela …………………. (not sing).

6. …………………. you …………………. (read) books?

4 Completa las oraciones con el Present Contiuous en afirmativo, negativo o interrogativo.

1. Martha and James ………are having………. (have) dinner at the moment. (ejemplo)

2. Alan …………………………. (not run) in the park.

3. Janet …………………. (study) now?

4. Mary and I …………………………. (not listen) to music right now.

5. …………………. you …………………. (take) photographs at the moment?

6. Sam …………………. (drive) to the bank now.

5 Rodea la expresión temporal más correcta de acuerdo al tiempo verbal empleado.

1.Simon runs in the park ... .

a. on Saturdays b. right now

2. Sandra isn’t talking on the phone ... .

a. every day b. at the moment

3. Is Mandy watching television ... ?

a. once a week b. now

4. I go to a café for lunch ... .

a. right now b. once a week

5. Rose and I go to the market ... .

a. at the weekend b. right now


1 Clasifica este material deportivo de acuerdo al parte del cuerpo que protege.

helmet • kneepads • swimming cap • ice skates • elbow pads • rollerblades

1. head: …………………………… , ……………………………

2. feet: …………………………… , ……………………………

3. arms and legs: …………………………… , ……………………………

2 ¿Qué material deportivo les falta a estos deportistas? Selecciona la respuesta correcta (a, b o c).

3 ¿Qué acciones de abajo están realizando estas personas? Rodea las que observes.

4 Completa la tabla con los grados comparativo y superlativo del adjetivo.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

1. big bigger than the biggest

2. pretty

3. comfortable

4. good

5. trendy

6. popular

7. bad

8. thin

5 Mira a las chicas y completa las frases con el grado COMPARATIVO de adjetivo.

1. Megan is ……shorter than………… Tracy. (short)

2. Tracy’s hair is ………………… Megan’s. (long)

3. Tracy is ……….………….. Megan. (tall)

4. Tracy is ……………………… Megan. (thin)

5. Alice’s hair is …………………… Tracy’s . (short)

5. Megan is ……………………… Alice. (fat).

6 Observa la imagen de las chica de nuevo y completa estas frases con el grado SUPERLATIVO del adjetivo.

1. Alice is ………the shortest……… girl in the group. (short)

2. Tracy is ……………………… girl in the group. (tall)

3. Megan and Alice have got ……………………… hair. (dark)

4. Tracy has got ……………………… hair. (long)

5. Megan is ……………………… girl in the group. (fat)


1 ¿Qué objetos de viaje portan los pasajeros? Tica tus respuestas en la tabla.

2 Une la columna A con la columna B.

3 Tacha la palabra que NO pertenece al grupo.

a. toothpaste • sleeping bag • toothbrush

b.soap • shampoo • sun cream

c.backpack • suitcase • towel

d.passport • phone charger • boarding pass

4 Busca en la sopa de letras los verbos en infinitivo. Después mira en la tabla de los verbos irregulares cuál es su forma en Past Simple y

completa la tabla.

5 Completa las oraciones con los verbos en paréntesis. Usa el Past Simple en afirmativo o negativo. Para los verbos irregulares debes

consultar la tabla de verbos irregulares que encontrarás al final de este cuadernillo.

1. Last night, I ………saw………. (see) a ghost.

2. We …………………………. (not wait) in the house.

3. They …………………………. (go) to the kitchen.

4. Jane …………………………. (hear) a loud noise.

5. Bob …………………………. (run) five kilometres.

6. The pub …………………………. (not close) late.

Did see

6 Completa el diálogo con los verbos entre paréntesis. Usa el Past simple en afirmativo, negativo o interrogativo.

Lucy: 1. …………………. you …………………. (see) that weird programme last night?

Elaine: No, I didn’t. I 2. …………………. (go) to the shopping centre.

Lucy: 3. …………………. you …………………. (stop) at the music shop?

Elaine: Yes, I did. Then I 4. …………………. (look) in the shoe shop.

Lucy: Oh. 5. …………………. you …………………. (find) any nice shoes?

Elaine: No, I didn’t. I 6. …………………. (not buy) anything for myself, but I 7. …………………. (buy) you this present. Happy



1 Escribe estos trabajos debajo de sus imágenes correspondientes.

2 ¿Quién realiza estas acciones? Rodea el trabajo correspondiente.

1. I write detective stories.

archeologist / author / plumber

2. I can’t tell you what I do. It’s a secret.

spy / secretary / sailor

3. I talk about the news.

soldier / dentist / reporter

4. I make films.

director / banker / detective

5. I grow tomatoes and cucumbers.

electrician / lawyer / farmer

3 ¿Cómo se sienten estas personas? Mira a la imagen y completa las oraciones con un sentimiento.

Scared ◘ embarrassed ◘ furious ◘ proud ◘ delighted ◘ exhausted.

a) The soldier feels …………………………

b) The sailor ir very …………………….. of

the sharks.

c) The actor feels …………………….. of

his Oscar.

d) The waiter is ……embarrassed………..

e) The reporter looks ………………… with

the football match.

f) The judge is …………………… with the


4 ¿Qué estaba ocurriendo ayer en la playa? Completa las oraciones con el Past Continuous en afirmativo.

1) Angela …..was sleeping…. (sleep)

under the umbrella.

2) Birds ………………… (fly) on the sky.

3) Mark ……………… (read) the


4) He ………………. (sit) on a chair.

5) Kim and Steve …………….. (build) a

sand casttle.

5 ¿Qué estabas haciendo ayer por la noche? Completa las oraciones con el Past Continuous en afirmativo o negativo para que sean

verdaderas en tu caso.

1. Last night at seven o’clock, I …………………. (have) dinner.

2. Last night at eight o’clock, I …………………. (do) homework.

3. Last night at eight o’clock, my mum …………………. (wash) the dishes.

4. Last night at nine o’clock, my parents and I …………………. (watch) TV.

5. Last night at midnight, I …………………. (sleep) in my bed.

6 Rodea la respuesta correcta.

a. We were using the mobile phones when Joaquin arrived // was arriving // were arriving.

b. The criminals drove // was driving // were driving the car when the police captured them.

c. Yesterday evening I played // was playing // were playing volley for 2 hours.

d. The public were clapping when the film ended // was ending // were ending.

e. The spy was escaping when the bomb exploded // was exploding // were exploding.

f. The phone rang when we had // was having // were having a shower.


1 Escribe el nombre de los objetos de moda en los números correspondientes.

rings handbag designer jeans tie earring wallet platform boots sunglasses cap belt

2 Rodea la respuesta correcta.

1. She always buys designer clothes. Her clothes are expensive / affordable.

2. She wears the latest fashions. Her clothes are outdated / trendy.

3. Your new miniskirt looks really hot. It’s very practical / fashionable.

4. They wore elegant clothes at the party. It was a formal / casual event.

3 Completa las oraciones con SHOULD o SHOULDN’T.

1. You …………………. watch this funny DVD.

2. I am sometimes very selfish. I …………………. be more generous.

3. Kate …………………. be so shy. People want to hear her sing.

4. We …………………. be rude.

5. …………………. I buy Emily earrings for her birthday?

4 Completa las reglas de la piscina de la comunidad con MUST, MUSTN’T o DON’T HAVE TO.

1. You …………………………. walk slowly around the pool area.

2. You …………………………. eat near the pool.

3. You …………………………. have a shower before you enter the pool.

4. You …………………………. take any swimming courses.

5. People with long hair …………………………. wear a bathing cap.

6 Rodea la respuesta correcta:


1 Completa el crucigrama acerca del vocabulario del espacio gracias a las pistas y encuentra la palabra oculta para conocer un hecho sobre el espacio.

2 Completa las frases con las palabras de abajo.

spacesuit • moon • planetarium • sky • astronomer • star 1. The …………………… is full every 29.5 days.

2. Astronauts can’t survive without a …………………… .

3. The …………………… looks blue during the day and black at night.

4. You can learn about the galaxy in a …………………… .

5. A …………………… is very hot and bright.

6. The …………………… studied the planet Mars carefully.

3 Completa las oraciones con los verbos entre paréntesis. Usa para ello el futuro con WILL en aformativo, negativo o interrogativo. 1. One day, we …………………… (meet) people from another planet.

2. …………………… Earth …………………… (be) a good place to live in the future?

3. Cars in future …………………….. (not fly). I think that’s a ridiculous idea from science fiction movies.

4. Tourists …………………… (travel) to Mars in the near future.

5. …………………… they …………………… (enjoy) the trip?

6. Aliens …………..………….. (not invade) planet Earth. They will be our friends!

4 ¿Qué planes van a hacer estas personas? Mira las imágenes y completa las oraciones con el BE GOING TO en afirmativo o negativo.

5 Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del Present Continuous en aformativo, negativo o interrogativo.

a) I …………………..…. (go) to David Bisbal concert. I bought the tickets yesterday.

b) We ………………..… (have) dinner at Goiko Grill for our anniversary. I have reserved a table at 10:00.

c) …………. you …………..……(come) to my birthday party Tina?

d) My sister and I …………………..……… (not travel) to Madrid this weekend. There weren’t available train tickets


e) Mr and Mrs Smith ………………...……….. (stay) at Plaza Hotel. They have booked a double room.

6 Para cada apartado, selecciona la opción correcta (a, b o c).

1. I ………….. to the cinema tonight. I got tickets

for a horror film.

a) will go b) am going to go

c) am going

2. In year 3000, people ……….. flying cars. a) will drive b) are going

to drive

c) are driving

3. This weekend we ………………. Seville. I have reserved train tickets.

a) will visit b) are going to visit

c) are visiting

4. Laura ………………. to the party. Her mum has prohibited her to come.

a) won’t come b) isn’t going to come

c) isn’t coming

5. Scientists …………….. the cure of cancer in future.

a) will discover

b) are going to discover

c) are discovering

6. Tomorrow I ……………….. go to the gym. a) will go b) am going

to go c) am going


1 ¿Dónde encontramos estos objetos? Une las fotos con sus lugares correspondientes.

2 Completa las oraciones con las palabras del recuadro de abajo.

car park • traffic light • corner • theatre • department store • factory 1. I’m buying a new coat at the new ……………….………… Do you want to go shopping with me?

2. I saw an opera at the …………………… .

3. I left my car in the ………………………… .

4. You must stop. The ………………………… is red.

5. Let’s meet at the ……………………………… of Green Street and Maple Road.

6. There is huge ………………………. at my town where a delicious wine is produced.

3 ¿Qué está ocurriendo en las fotografías? Rodea la respuesta correcta.

4 Completa la tabla. Si necesitas ayuda, puedes consultar la tabla de los verbos irregulares que encontrarás al final de este cuadernillo.

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle

1. wear wore worn

2. cleaned

3. make

4. gone

5. took

6. heard

7. cried

8. write

9. saw

10. left

5 Rodea la respuesta correcta (a o b).

6 Observa la lista de tareas que Bob debía realizar el pasado fin de semana y completa las oraciones en afirmativo o negativo para decor las que sí ha hecho y las que no. Usa el Present Perfect Simple.


1 Completa las letras que faltan en las palabras para formar vocabulario relacionado con nuevas tecnologías y teléfonos móviles.

2 Completa las frases con las palabras del recuadro de abajo. useful • hi-tech • efficient • indispensable • obsolete • electronic • enormous • sophisticated 1. I can’t live without my phone. It’s …………………… .

2. Today, many people have stopped reading paper books and read …………………… books.

3. Fred designs computers. He works for a …………………… company.

4. The secretary is a very …………………… worker.

5. The machine is a great help. It’s very …………………… .

6. People don’t use these old TVs any more. They’re …………………… .

7. The phone has got the latest apps. It’s very …………………… .

8. The TV is too big for this room. It’s …………………… .

3 ¿Qué adjetivo describe mejor la imagen? Rodea DOS respuestas correctas para cada foto.

4 ¿Están las siguientes oraciones en voz activa o pasiva? Tica con una cruz en la tabla tu respuesta.


0. Headset is used to listen to music. X

1. Marcia bought a mobile phone.

2. This is my new case.

3. The flash is used by photographers.

4. I never need my GPS.

5. Contacts are saved in the SIM card.

6. The first mobile phone is invented by Motorola.

5 Rodea la respuesta correcta.

a. Many text messages is sent // are sent in WhatsApp.

b. The GPS system is used // are used to find places we don’t know.

c. My laptop is fixed // are fixed by the technician.

d. The passive voice is learnt // are learnt by the 3º of ESO students.

e. The activities is done // are done by the students.

f. The novels is written // are written by Miguel de Cervantes.

g. New mobile phone models is created // are created by Samsung.

6 Selecciona la respuesta correcta (a, b o c).

1. Did you know that the light bulb was invented ……… Thomas Alva Edison?

a. from b. by

c. to

2. ..... the math problem … by the calculator?

a. is …solved b. is … solve c. are … solved

3. Millions of mobile phones ………… everyday around the world.

a. are sold b. are sell c. are selled

4. Calls …………. after 14:00.

a. isn’t received b. aren’t received c. are receive

5. We ………….by Google Maps.

a. is guide b. is guided c. are guided

6. The video ………. by Auronplay.

a. is record b. are recorded c. is recorded

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