Avanzado 1 Alicia Caturegli

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Guia Avanzado 1 Ingles UES21. Guia de estudio con respuestas.

Transcript of Avanzado 1 Alicia Caturegli

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    Estimado alumno,

    Bienvenido a Avanzado 1. En esta gua usted encontrar la informacin que necesita para poder

    organizarse en su estudio y comprender cmo prepararse para alcanzar los objetivos de la

    materia. La gua incluye:

    1. el programa de la materia

    2. una descripcin de cmo ser evaluado,

    3. una gua de Writing Skills donde le brindamos la descripcin y ejemplificacin del tipo de

    redaccin que usted debe producir en este nivel,

    4. cuestiones bsicas sobre el manejo de la plataforma MyELT, y

    5. la KEY o respuestas de las actividades del libro de texto para que pueda autocorregirse.

    Con estos elementos de apoyo, la bibliografa de la materia (World Pass Advanced A, Workbook

    for World Pass Advanced A, y Grammar Caf for Advanced 1), y su dedicacin y ejercitacin podr

    alcanzar los objetivos planteados.

    Por ser sta una materia de autoaprendizaje de acuerdo a la modalidad de estudio elegida,

    queremos recomendarle que trabaje con el material de estudio de formato electrnico y pueda

    acceder as a todos los componentes de la bibliografa que le van a permitir lograr un aprendizaje

    integral. El libro de texto le brinda los contenidos temticos de la materia, incluyendo las

    actividades de listening que ejercitan la comprensin auditiva, y facilitan la adquisicin de una

    buena pronunciacin y entonacin. El libro de ejercicios o workbook le ofrece prctica activa sobre

    los contenidos, y el componente multimedial Grammar Caf le presenta las estructuras

    gramaticales de la materia y le brinda prctica y resolucin inmediata de los ejercicios.

    Espero que esta gua le sea til y que disfrute de la materia.

    Alicia Caturegli

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    1. Programa de la materia

    Objetivos Generales: Que el alumno logre adquirir herramientas ms complejas y sofisticadas para comunicarse en el idioma ingls a travs del desarrollo de habilidades lingsticas de recepcin (comprensin auditiva y lectora) y produccin (oral y escrita) para alcanzar un nivel avanzado. Sern objetivos especficos de la asignatura: -Redactar ensayos de opinin debidamente estructurados y desarrollados. -Adquirir estrategias de comprensin auditiva para entender conversaciones de un nivel avanzado. -Responder oralmente a una consigna o pregunta emitiendo una opinin debidamente organizada y fundamentada, utilizando vocabulario especfico del tema. -Comprender y utilizar vocabulario especfico sobre los temas abordados en las unidades del programa. -Comprender textos complejos y poder expresar una sntesis de su contenido. -Desarrollar estrategias conversacionales que permitan manejar una discusin. -Utilizar expresiones adecuadas para realizar reservas durante un viaje. -Responder a una ancdota poco afortunada con expresiones que indiquen especulacin, recomendacin o evaluacin. -Utilizar correctamente los verbos modales que expresan juicios de valor sobre el pasado. -Describir experiencias sobre nuestra vida escolar y universitaria. -Analizar aspectos del sistema educativo y expresar opiniones al respecto. -Expresar deseos o expectativas sobre nuestro presente o futuro. -Desarrollar estrategias conversacionales para una entrevista laboral. -Analizar un tema polmico y desarrollar una opinin al respecto. -Analizar decisiones pasadas con consecuencias positivas y negativas. -Desarrollar estrategias conversacionales que permitan expresar una opinin. -Utilizar correctamente los condicionales que expresan situaciones hipotticas o irreales. -Referirse a decisiones que determinan nuestra ocupacin o vida profesional. -Utilizar apropiadamente el discurso indirecto para relatar una conversacin. -Desarrollar estrategias conversacionales para realizar una presentacin.

    Unit 1: Feature Films (Unit 1 from the book: Lessons A & B + Expansion Pages)

    1.1 Use of language 1.1.1 Using so and such for emphasis 1.1.2 -ED and -ING adjectives 1.2 Vocabulary

    1.2.1 Vocabulary from Unit 1, lesson A (book and workbook) 1.2.2 Vocabulary from Unit 1, lesson B (book and workbook)

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    1.3 Reading

    1.3.1 Texts from the unit 1.3.2 Texts related to the unit

    Unit 2: On the Road (Unit 2 from the book: Lesson A & B + Expansion Pages) 2.1 Use of language

    2.1.1 Past modals 2.1.2 Showing regret in the past with wish

    2.2 Vocabulary

    2.2.1 Vocabulary from unit 2, lesson A (book and workbook) 2.2.2 Vocabulary from unit 2, lesson B (book and workbook)

    2.3 Reading

    2.3.1 Texts from the unit 2.3.2 Texts related to the unit

    Unit 3: School Life (Unit 3 from the book: Lessons A & B + Expansion Pages) 3.1 Use of language

    3.1.1 Hope and Wish 3.1.2 Make, allow and let 3.1.3 Interviewing phrases (asking for clarification, rephrasing, getting time to think...)

    3.2 Vocabulary

    3.2.1 Vocabulary from Unit 3, lessons A and B (book and workbook) 3.3 Reading

    3.3.1 Texts from the unit 3.3.2 Texts related to the unit

    Unit 4: In the City (Unit 4 from the book: Lesson A + Expansion Pages) 4.1 Use of language

    4.1.1 Past and present unreal conditionals 4.1.2 Expressing low possibility

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    4.2.3 Expressing an opinion

    4.2 Vocabulary 4.2.1 Vocabulary from Unit 4, lesson A (book and workbook)

    4.3 Reading

    4.3.1 Texts from the unit 4.3.2 Texts related to the unit

    Unit 5: Follow your Dream (Unit 6 from the book, Lesson A + Expansion Pages) 5.1 Use of language

    5.1.1 Indirect speech. SAY and TELL. 5.1.2 Indirect questions.

    5.2 Vocaburary

    5.2.1 Vocabulary from Unit 6, lesson A (book and workbook) 5.3 Reading

    5.3.1 Texts from the unit 5.3.2 Texts related to the unit

    Metodologa: La materia ser abordada desde un enfoque comunicativo orientado al desarrollo de las cuatro macro-habilidades (lectura, escritura, audicin y produccin oral) teniendo como meta la comunicacin inteligible, precisa y efectiva en el idioma ingls. Dados los objetivos de la materia, el alumno deber cumplir un rol de participacin activa para que el proceso de internalizacin de la lengua se produzca en forma gradual y efectivo. Bibliografa Bsica: -Stempleski, Susan (2006) World Pass Advanced Part A (Units 1-6) (Students book, Workbook, and audio CD). Boston: Heinle -Thomson ELT (2008) Grammar Caf for Advanced 1 (opera dentro de la plataforma MyELT: https://myelt.heinle.com) Boston: Heinle. ACLARACIN: Tanto el libro como el workbook se pueden conseguir en formato impreso o electrnico. El tercer componente (Grammar Caf) solo viene en formato electrnico. La versin electrnica del libro (e-book) incluye el audio y los guiones (scripts) del mismo.

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    2. Formas de evaluacin segn modalidad de cursado

    Alumnos distancia

    Los alumnos de modalidad distancia sern evaluados durante el transcurso de todas las materias

    de idioma con un examen final de 50 preguntas de opcin mltiple. En estas instancias no hay

    evaluacin de produccin escrita y oral pero es fundamental que vayan desarrollando las mismas

    durante el cursado de los diferentes niveles. Recuerden que al llegar al EFIP 1 debern rendir junto

    con el mdulo de carrera un mdulo de idioma. En esta instancia se le pedir una produccin

    escrita y oral que convenientemente ser comunicada en e-campus.

    Es importante saber que en las evaluaciones por opcin mltiple las reas evaluadas son las de

    Gramtica, Vocabulario y Reading. Para ejercitar estas reas (descriptas en el programa) cuenta

    con el material de la plataforma MyELT: el libro electrnico (e-book), el e-workbook y el Grammar


    La habilidad de comprensin auditiva se puede desarrollar tanto con los audios del libro

    electrnico como los del Grammar Caf.

    Alumnos Senior

    Los alumnos que cursan modalidad Senior tambin cursan la materia en forma virtual pero su

    evaluacin final si tiene escrito y oral. En esta modalidad el examen final es de 26 preguntas de

    opcin mltiple y una seccin de produccin escrita donde se evaluar la produccin de un

    ensayo de opinin de 250-300 palabras. Una vez aprobado el escrito pasa a un oral que evala los

    contenidos temticos, la fluidez, la pronunciacin, la lengua y la comprensin auditiva del alumno.

    Es importante saber que en las evaluaciones por opcin mltiple las reas evaluadas son las de

    Gramtica, Vocabulario y Reading. Para ejercitar estas reas (descriptas en el programa) cuenta

    con la bibliografa bsica de la materia (ver Programa). El componente del Grammar Caf for

    Advanced 1 le brinda las explicaciones gramaticales con ejemplos contextualizados y prctica con


    La habilidad de comprensin auditiva se puede desarrollar tanto con los audios del libro de texto

    como los incluidos en el Grammar Caf.

    El rea de produccin escrita est desarrollada en esta gua bajo el nombre de Guide for Writing


    Recuerde que en la seccin de evaluacin de produccin escrita los temas posibles siempre

    estarn relacionados con el contenido del libro. El formato ser el de Opinion Essay, como se

    describe en la seccin Guide to Writing Skills.

    Por ejemplo:

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    Unidad 1. Temas relacionados con el cine o la televisin.

    Unidad 2: Temas vinculados con viajes.

    Unidad 3: Temas vinculados con la escolaridad y el aprendizaje.

    Unidad 4: Temas relacionados con problemticas contemporneas como el crecimiento

    desmesurado de las ciudades y el conflicto entre la piratera y los derechos de autor.

    Unidad 5: Temas asociados con la capacidad de autorealizacin del hombre y sus aspiraciones y


    Estos son algunas de las posibles actividades de produccin escrita. Recuerde siempre que el contenido temtico de las unidades es el que genera los temas de produccin escrita. Sobre la EVALUACIN ORAL tambin le decimos que los temas son netamente extrados del libro de texto. Son preguntas donde se evala no slo el manejo de la estructura de la lengua sino tambin el contenido temtico de cada unidad. Se le puede pedir concepto, opinin, vinculacin de un tema con una lectura del libro, etc.

    3. Guide to Writing Skills for Advanced 1

    The type of writing required for English Advanced 1 is an opinion essay of 250-300 words.

    When writing this type of essay you need to consider the following points:





    5. GRAMMAR


    What is an opinion essay?

    An opinion essay is a type of formal writing which requires a combination of personal and argumentative approach. This is a kind of essay where you have to express your opinions and views on a particular subject or problem and support them with all the proper reasons and valid examples.

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    Organization is a key ingredient to a good essay. A well structured paper will be much more logical to the reader, as well as more effective. An organized essay makes sure that ideas are linked together with smooth transitions. Your opinion essay should be organized in the following way:

    an INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH in which you state the topic and your opinion,

    a MAIN BODY which consists of two or more paragraphs, each presenting a separate viewpoint supported by your reasons; another paragraph giving the opposing viewpoint and reasons may also be included,

    a CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH in which you restate your opinion and reinforce it by providing a meaningful concluding point.

    Examine the model essay below:


    main topic + opinion



    reason 1 + explanation


    viewpoint 1


    reason 2 + explanation

    viewpoint 2


    opposing viewpoint +

    + reasons


    restatement of

    opinion +

    concluding remark


    Every season, the great fashion houses of Europe and

    America present their new collections in the hope of

    persuading people to renew their wardrobes by purchasing

    the latest designs. In my opinion, one does not have to be

    a slave to fashion in order to look smart.

    To start with, following the latest trends in fashion can

    be extremely expensive. This is especially true for those

    who buy costly designer clothing. There is also the risk of

    getting into debt in order to keep up with the latest


    In addition to this, followers of fashion often give up

    their individuality for the sake of fashion. They choose

    clothes which suit neither their figures nor their

    personalities. This is unfortunate, as the way we dress

    should reflect who we really are.

    On the other hand, some people argue that it is

    necessary to dress fashionably in order to create the

    correct image for their careers. This is particularly true of

    those who work with the public, as they reflect the image

    of their company. This does not mean that the latest

    fashions are the most appropriate, however. Simple but

    well-made clothes are almost always the best choice for

    business wear.

    All in all, I believe that it is advisable to dress with style

    by choosing good quality clothes which suit you as an

    individual and have lasting elegance. As the famous

    designer Coco Chanel put it, Fashion is made to become unfashionable. Thus, instead of changing your wardrobe constantly, is it not better to build up a collection of

    clothes which you can always wear?

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    These are useful expressions for opinion paragraphs:

    To express opinion: I believe In my opinion, The way I see it, It seems to me (that) I think In my view, To my way of thinking, To list points: In the first place, First of all, To start/begin with, Firstly, To add more points: What is more, Another major reason In addition to this/that, Apart from this, Not to mention the fact that Furthermore, Moreover, Besides, Also, To give facts It is a fact that It is widely known that There is /are definitely It is true that To refer to other peoples ideas Many people say that Some/Many people believe that To introduce contrasting viewpoints: It is argued that Opponents of this view say As opposed to the above, Contrary to what most people believe, On the other hand, In contrast,

    To introduce examples: For example, For instance, such as in particular especially To conclude: To sum up, All in all, All things considered, Summing up, On the whole, Taking everything into account,


    One of the best ways to improve your writing style is to use sentence connectors. They are used to express relationships between ideas and to combine sentences. The use of these connectors will add sophistication to your writing style. The following list provides useful connectors:

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    Contrast: On the one hand, ...... . On the other hand, ... However, ... Nevertheless, ... In contrast, ... Addition: Moreover, ... Besides, ... First, .... . Second,... Finally,... Reason and Result This is due to..... This is because... As a result,... Therefore,..... 5- GRAMMAR

    Make good use of English grammar: use proper verb tenses, word order, and sentence structure.


    Opinion Essays are about taking a side and debating it in your writing. Do not write about advantages and disadvantages or points for and against. Focus on arguments that support your opinion.

    Before you start writing, decide whether you agree or disagree with the TOPIC SENTENCE given; then make a list of points and reasons that support your view. Start writing your essay ONLY after your ideas are organized.

    Write well-developed paragraphs consisting of more than one sentence.

    Begin each BODY PARAGRAPH with a topic sentence which summarizes what the paragraph is about (the reason or viewpoint that supports your opinion).

    Use appropriate linking words or connectors (see the ones overshadowed in the sample essay) to connect ideas clearly.

    Start the INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH by introducing the topic you will discuss and lead the reader to the opinion you will support (last sentence).

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    The CONCLUSION like the introduction is not a single sentence, but a fully developed paragraph, in which you summarize the main points and then offer a closing statement that leaves readers thinking about your message.

    Here are some topics for writing opinion essays:

    Downloading copyrighted material from the Internet is unethical.

    Watching movies helps you get off problems.

    Online learning will eventually replace traditional schools.

    When you travel abroad, you learn more about your own country.

    The growth of cities affects city dwellers quality of life.

    Anyone can achieve self-realization if they follow their dreams.

    4. Plataforma Educativa MyELT y su uso

    MyELT es una plataforma virtual sobre la cual est montado el material de estudio que

    acompaa su proceso de aprendizaje. Dicho material incluye:

    1. e-book (libro electrnico) World Pass Advanced (Part A)

    2. e- workbook (libro de ejercitacin electrnico) World Pass Advanced (Part A)

    3. Grammar Caf for Advanced 1. Este componente le brinda explicaciones gramaticales y

    su consecutiva prctica apuntando a distintas cuestiones de la lengua como: precisin

    gramatical y lingstica, actividades de lectura comprensiva y auditiva. Segn el nivel de

    idiomas que cursa ser el Grammar Caf que acompaa al libro correspondiente. Esta

    prctica online colabora en el proceso de asimilacin al permitir mayor tiempo de

    exposicin al idioma de manera gil y dinmica.

    Para acceder a este material, se debe adquirir un PIN (Content Access Code) que junto con el

    cdigo de acceso que provee el tutor (Course Key), permiten el acceso a la plataforma y de ese

    modo se ingresa a las actividades asignadas por el tutor quien monitorea desde la plataforma el

    desempeo del alumno. Se sugiere ver el video publicado en la pgina de la universidad para

    obtener las instrucciones e informacin sobre el uso del material de estudio. Adems, puede

    descargar el archivo disponible junto a los archivos de esta materia.


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    Tambin puede descargar esa informacin desde los archivos de descarga de esta materia.

    A continuacin le mostramos el link de ingreso al sitio de MYELT:


    Veamos cmo funciona el componente Grammar Cafe:

    Cada unidad del Grammar Caf desarrolla un tema gramatical relacionado al programa de la materia.

    La estructura general de todas las unidades es:

    1. PRESENTATION: introduce el punto gramatical a practicar con ejemplos y un dialogo. Incluye explicacin y un cuadro sinptico sobre la estructura a ejercitar. Este cuadro se puede imprimir para tener una referencia de estudio.

    2. GRAMMAR FOCUS 1: en este punto se realiza prctica gramatical. 3. GRAMMAR FOCUS 2: aqu se contina con ms prctica gramatical. 4. LISTENING: esta seccin tiene como objetivo controlar su habilidad de reconocimiento y

    comprensin auditiva de dilogos o textos en ingls. 5. REVIEW QUIZ: en esta instancia aparecen ejercicios que integran los conceptos

    desarrollados en la unidad

    Al responder los ejercicios puede ver sus aciertos y errores de manera inmediata lo que le permite

    realizar su repaso o estudio de los temas que no hayan sido correctamente respondidos.

    5. Respuestas del libro de texto

    Para que pueda realizar la autocorreccin durante la preparacin de la materia, le brindamos a

    continuacin las respuestas correctas de las actividades del libro World Pass Advanced (Part A).

    Las mismas estn ordenadas segn el programa de la materia, y segn la pgina del libro.

    UNIT 1: Feature films

    (page 2)

    A Types of movies: comedy, drama, action movie, thriller, musical, horror, romance, science fiction, western, etc.

    chick flick: (slang) movie targeted at a female audience tearjerker: movie that makes you cry

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    blockbuster: a box office hit B-movie: a low-budget film with a poor script and unknown actors mainstream: popular movies that appeal to most people indie: independent film made with a low budget by independent filmmakers (page 3) C 1 - d 7 - h 2 - I 8 - e 3 - b 9 - a 4 - j 10 -g 5 l 11 c 6 f 12 -k

    Vocabulary Builder

    1. b 3. a 5. c

    2. e 4. f 6. d

    Other words related to movies: director, dialog, soundtrack, sequel, prequel, cast, special effects, ratings, dubbed, plot, credits, budget

    Listening A L.A. Los Angeles 1st first

    P.A. personal assistant w/o without info information hmtwn hometown < less than cmdy comedy > more than

    B Age: 23 Title: False Information From: L.A. Shot where: in L.A. First job: production assistant Cost: $500,000 Has made: $12 million Kind of film: funny/cmdy (page 4) A so forced, so predictably, such an interesting way, such confidence, so little screen time, so

    disappointed B 2. The dialog seemed so forced that 3. I was so disappointed that 4. The movie ends so predictably that 6. Unfortunately, she has so little screen time that we hardly see her. 8. The opening is shot in such an interesting way that 9. She embodies her character with such confidence.

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    C 1. so 3. so 5. such 7. so 2. such 4. such 6. so 8. so (page 5) D 2. Its such a well-preserved theater that its hard to imagine its over 80 years old. 3. Sometimes the audience boos so loudly that you cant hear the movie. 4. The atmosphere in the Castro is such fun that you should see a movie there. 5. The Castro Theater is so beautiful that it was designated as a national landmark in 1977. 6. So few old movie theaters are left that its important to preserve them. (page 6) B 1. Oscar 2. France 3. British, Television 4. 1981 (page 8) A The second summary B 1. Most peoples lives arent very interesting 2. scriptwriters 3. refilm the fall that broke his elbow 4. seem to have a certain kind of personality 5. disliked, never C Describes something that is real or genuine: authentic, unrehearsed Describes something that is fake or invented: staged, scripted, contrived D the first and the third statements (page 10) A Paragraph 1: The Last Samurai is a good movie, but not a great one. Paragraph 2: The movies plot is loosely based on Japanese history. Paragraph 3: Theres a lot to enjoy in The Last Samurai. (pages 12-13) Expansion pages A 1. credits 2. dubbed 3. soundtrack 4. subtitled 5. on location 6. flashback 7. stunts 8. studios 9. screenplays B 1.g 2. H 3. C 4. F 5. B 6.a 7. E 8.d C 1. with 2. second 3. small 4. large 5. about 6. number 7. between 8. plus/and

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    D 1. genuine 2. spin-off 3. episode 4. distracted 5. vie 6. producer 7. footage 8. nasty E 1. remote 2. networks 3. cable 4. channels 5. satellite 6. antenna 7. show 8. host

    UNIT 2: On the Road

    (page 15)

    Vocabulary Builder

    Lacking something/without: meaningless, powerless

    Exceeding a category: countless, effortless, priceless, timeless

    Answers: 1. powerless 2. ageless 3. priceless 4. childless 5. Effortless

    Other words with less: harmless, colorless, careless, useless, tireless, tasteless, odorless, faultless, hopeless, waterless

    (page 16)

    C 1. C 2. B 3. B, c

    (page 17)

    Language Focus

    A 1. strong 2. willingness 3. a conclusion 4. polite 5. expressing regret 6. impossibility or disbelief 7. Possibility B Suggested answers: 1. He could have asked for directions. 2. It must have been stolen. 3. He must have been very upset. 4. You should have made a hotel reservation. 5. I would have (answers will vary) C 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b D 1. B: left 2. C: told 3. B: gone 4. B: working 5. A: could have boarded (page 18) Speaking B a. 8 b. 1 c. 6 d. 3 e. 9 f. 5 g. 10 h. 4 i. 7 j. 2

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    (page 19) B 1. largest 2. Yoruba 3. Soccer 4. oil 5. hot and spicy

    6. the musician Sade (page 20) Reading B 1. When did you make your first trip outside Nigeria? 3. What do you love about Nigeria? 4. Has travel given you a strong sense of being Nigerian? 5. Have you traveled within Africa? 6. Will you travel more now? C 1. 8 / California / a summer 2. It was too similar to her hometown. 3. 19 / seven years / It gave her a stronger sense of being a Nigerian. 4. It made her more aware of being black, and of the issue of race. 5. can-do spirit, the languages, informality, acceptance, friendliness

    6. South Africa / no, she found it interesting / She didnt feel like she was in Africa, and she didnt believe the people there were as happy as they acted, given the history there.

    7. every country in Africa D 1. desire to travel 2. optimism and strength 3. settled, connected to a place 4. weird, bizarre 5. understood, solved (page 21) E 1. the U.S. 2. people in the shop 3. leaving Nigeria 4. home 5. that trip (to South Africa) (pages 24-25) Expansion pages A 1. missed 2. delayed 3. caught 4. called 5. canceled 6. got in 7. diverted B 1. f 2. g 3. a 4. j 5. c 6. I 7. e 8. b 9. d 10. h C 1. stamped 5. an expired 2. show your 6. renew 3. apply for 7. check 4. a valid

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    D 1. a bat 6. a mouse 2. an ox 7. a bone 3. a feather 8. snow 4. a beet 9. a bee 5. night 10. nails UNIT 3: Shool Life (page 27) B 1. accepted 5. loose 9. affecting 2. except 6. lose 10. effect 3. past 7. advice 4. passed 8. advise Listening A Jae Soo: Korea, U.S. Annette: Norway, London Ivan: Ukraine, Switzerland Vanessa: Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico B Jae Soo: positive, positive Annette: positive, negative Ivan: positive, positive Vanessa: negative, negative C Jae Soo: I miss my moms delicious home cooking. / I like the school lunches here. Annette: I looked forward to those school lunches. / atrocious, low in nutritional value Ivan: I love it! / This is a good idea. Its good for family relations. Vanessa: I didnt really like school lunches. The food now isnt that great. (page 28) B I hope you get an A. I wish I could do better. I wish Id studied harder. C Suggested answers: 1. I wish my roommate wouldnt watch TV while Im studying. 2. I wish my friends wouldnt come to visit without calling. 3. I wish that car would stop honking. 4. I wish my roommate would answer the phone. (page 29) D 1. I wish she had studied chemistry more. 2. I wish I could visit Rome. 3. I wish my tuition were cheaper. 4. I wish I had made friends at school last year.

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    5. I wish I could speak Italian. 6. I wish I had some aspirin. E 1. hope 6. hope 2. wishes 7. hope 3. hope 8. wish, hope 4. wishes 9. wish, wish 5. wish Grammar X-tra 1. Made means it was required. Let / allowed means it was optional. 2. Let is not used in the passive. (page 32) B 1. Yoon-Hee 2. both 3. Gordon 4. Gordon 5. Yoon-Hee 6. Gordon C 1. cram schools, pass the university entrance exam 2. Yoon-Hee, cook, make your own clothes, math 3. 40 4. 25%, 18-24, Israel and Iran 5. do math, write a coherent essay D 1. promote 4. playing around 2. utilize 5. logical 3. develop 6. a good knowledge (pages 36-37) Expansion pages A 1. i 2. b 3. h 4. j 5. d 6. f 7. g 8. e 9. c B Positive: I aced it. I passed. I did well. Negative: Dont ask! I failed. I flunked. I bombed. I did very poorly. C 1. seminary 5. university 2. law school 6. technical college 3. medical school 7. dental school 4. art academy 8. military school D 1. c 2. h 3. f 4. b 5. a 6. g 7. d 8. e E 1. higher education 5. pay for his education 2. primary education 6. adult education 3. physical education 7. standard of education

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    4. secondary education 8. get an education UNIT 4: In the City (page 40) B 2. pending 8. taken to court 3. emerging 9. churned out 4. unauthorized 10. monopoly 5. cracking down 11. unethical 6. rip off 12. panicking 7. greedy 13. compensated 14. consumers (page 41) Vocabulary Builder 1. turned a blind eye 5. wait and see 2. remains to be seen 6. opened my eyes 3. see what I can do 7. have seen the light 4. see eye to eye Listening C 1. a. housing shortage b. farmland and water sources 2. a. poverty, housing b. overall quality of life c. bus and train systems (page 42) A 1. In the if clause, the verb is in the simple past. 2. The present unreal conditional / past unreal conditional. B Present unreal conditional: 1, 2, 3, 7 Past unreal conditional: 4, 5, 6 C 1. T 3. T 5. F 7. F 2. T 4. F 6. T (page 43) D 1. If someone had told me yesterday, I wouldnt have shown up at school today. 2. If I hadnt argued with my boss, I would still have a job. 3. If I were doing better in class, Id be getting an A. 4. If the city werent so expensive, we wouldnt be moving to the country. E 2. If they didnt skip school, they would get a proper education.

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    3. If they didnt cause trouble, the subway passengers wouldnt be scared of them. 4. If officials hadnt piped classical music into the stations, the problem wouldnt have been solved.

    5. If the kids had liked that kind of music, they wouldnt have left the station. 6. If it hadnt been so successful, it wouldnt have been copied in Australia and Canada as well.

    (pages 50-51) Expansion pages A 1. peace talks 5. a threat to peace 2. a symbol of peace 6. the peace process 3. live in peace 7. works for peace 4. a peace treaty 8. a plea for peace B 1. revitalize 6. Overall 2. slum 7. widespread 3. unchecked 8. forefront 4. proposition 9. advocate 5. engage in 10. sustainable C 1. c 2. a 3. g 4. d 5. i 6. b 7. e 8. h 9. f D 1. Ive heard that one before! 2. turned a deaf ear 3. are up to your ears 4. I heard it through the grapevine 5. lends a sympathetic ear 6. Im all ears 7. grinning from ear to ear 8. It went in one ear and out the other 9. has the ear UNIT 5: Follow your Dream (Unit 6 from the book) (page 65) B Section 1: 1. sidetracked 2. storied 3. aspirations 4. twinkle 5. quit Section 2: 1. renowned 2. channeling 3. blessing 4. bumped into 5. juggling Section 3: 1. have something in mind 2. cause a stir

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    3. swapping 4. fixture 5. apprentice C 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. e Listening B 26 miles, 385 yards, 41.3 km

    100 miles, 160 km; 15 hours, 48 hours 120 Fahrenheit, 48 Celsius

    (page 66) C 1. T, weather 4. F, fall asleep and still keep going 2. F, feel so great, feel so alive 5. F, depressed 3. T, delivered a whole pizza 6. F, two or three years Language Focus B 2. a, was 3. a, had 4. b, was, I needed, the next day 5. b, she, herself 6. c, her, were, her (page 67) C 1. She asked him how many marathons he had run. 2. He said (that) he had completed his fourth one the day before. 3. She asked him who he trained with. 4. He said (that) he trained with his brother. 5. She asked him if he had a family (or not). 6. He said (that) he did. 7. She asked him if they approved of his running (or not). 8. He said (that) they didnt love it, but that they accepted it. E 1. she was 70 ---- she is 70 2. she did wait --- she waited so long 3. she told to me that --- she told me that 4. where was she working --- where she was working 5. she said that she was --- she said to me that 6. if or not she liked --- if she liked college life or not 7. what your secret was --- what her secret was (pages 74-75) Expansion pages

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    A 1. d 2. b 3. f 4. g 5. h 6. a 7. e 8. c B 1. Hows life? 5. a matter of life and death 2. a new life 6. Lifes too short! 3. save your life 7. lost their lives 4. risk their lives 8. my social life C 1. e 2. g 3. c 4. a 5. f 6. b 7. d D 1. stranded 5. scarce 2. impassable 6. submerged 3. immaculately 7. filthy 4. disoriented 8. upheaval E 1. generous 4. intelligent 2. unfriendly 5. dishonest 3. strange 6. annoying