
Post on 27-Dec-2016

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Transcript of Appointments


Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift

Original articles in this journal are now followed bysummaries in English and Spanish.

Society for the Study of FertilityThis society is to hold a conference in Birmingham on

June 23 and 24. Further particulars may be had from Mr. H. H.Fouracre Barns, 31, Weymouth Street, London, W.I.

Middlesex Hospital Medical SchoolProf. Corneille Heymans (Ghent) will give a lecture on

the History of the Development of our Knowledge of thePhysiology of the Baroceptors and Chemoceptors, on Tuesday,June 7, at 4.30 P.M., in the medical school.

Pembury Hospital, KentTwo stained glass windows were dedicated by Bishop J. C.

Mann in Pembury Hospital Chapel on May 22 to the memoryof F. Carter Browne and E. C. Hughes, surgeons to the

hospital, and also of Amelia Scott, a social worker.

Cambridge Graduates’ Medical Club .

The annual general meeting and dinner this year will beheld at Jesus College on Friday, June 24. Members of theclub who have not received a notice, or who have not yetnotified their intention to be present, should communicatewith Dr. T. B. Anderson, 1, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge.

International Congress on DiabetesThe second congress of the International Diabetes Federa-

tion is to be held at Cambridge from July 4 to 8, under thepresidency of Sir Lionel Whitby. On July 4 Dr. Elliott P.Joslin will deliver the Banting lecture of the British DiabeticAssociation. He has chosen as his subject Diabetes for theDiabetics. Further information may be had from the officeof the congress, 152, Harley Street, London, W.l.

Symposium on Stammering ‘

The Goldsmiths’ College announce a public symposium onstammering to be given on Monday, June 20, by students ofMr. H. V. Hemery’s speech re-education classes for stam-merers. Of the three assistant chairmen, two will be membersof the medical profession. The meeting will be in the smallconcert hall of the college, New Cross, London, S.E.14, andwill begin at 6.45 P.M.

Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and HygieneThe society’s annual meeting will be held at Manson House,

26, Portland Place, London, W.I, on Wednesday, June 15,at 7.30 P.M., when Prof. R. M. Gordon will be inducted as thenew president. Afterwards, to mark the centenary of thebirth of Sir David Bruce, Sir William MacArthur will give anaddress entitled an Account of Some of Sir David Bruce’sResearches, Based on his own Manuscript Notes.

Postgraduate Medical School of London andHammersmith HospitalThe school’s 20th anniversary and the hospital’s jubilee

are to be celebrated next week. On Monday, June 6, theQueen is to visit the hospital. Wednesday, June 8, will be anOpen Day, from 2.30 to 5.30 P.M., when there will be anexhibition illustrating the school’s research work, and doctorswill be able to see a programme of medical films in the lowerlecture-theatre.

Radioactive Materials in Biological AssayThis subject is to be discussed at a joint meeting of the

biological and physical methods groups and the Scottishsection of the Society for Analytical Chemistry with the

Edinburgh and East of Scotland sections of the Royal Instituteof Chemistry, the Society of Chemical Industry, and theChemical Society on Monday and Tuesday, July 11 and 12,in the department of biochemistry, University New Buildings,Teviot Place, Edinburgh.British Association of Urological Surgeons

This association is to hold its annual meeting from June 30to July 2 at the Royal College of Surgeons of England,Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, W.C.2, under the presidencyof Mr. Terence Millin. The programme includes a discussionon Calcification and Calculus Formation in the Upper UrinaryTract, and at a joint session with the section of urology of theRoyal Society of Medicine. The subject is to be the Treatmentof the Paraplegic Bladder.

Medical Golfing Society’ In the Society’s summer meeting at the Berkshire Golf

Club, Ascot, on May 26, Dr. J. G. H. McNabb won the Lancetcup (scratch medal 78) and the Henry Morris cup (2 up).

L Inauguration of an Accident Service. From June 1 the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital,

Brockley Hill, Stanmore (Grimsdyke 2900), is operatinga twenty-four-hour accident service for the treatment of

orthopædic injuries. There are facilities for the receptionof injured direct from the site of the accident. Requestsfor admission or outpatient treatment should be made tothe duty registrar.

Investigation of TonsillectomyThe South East Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board has

approved plans for an inquiry into the value of tonsillectomy(Times, May 26). At Farnborough Hospital, Kent, and

perhaps other hospitals in that area, 1000 children on thetonsils waiting-list will be chosen for the trial: 500 will havetheir tonsils removed-and 500 will not. The health of the twogroups in the succeeding year will then be compared.

Dr. J. Ferguson Smith has been elected an honorary memberof the German Dermatological Society.

Dr. K. G. Bergin, British Overseas Airways Corporation’s medicalsuperintendent at London Airport, has been elected a fellow of tbeRoyal Aeronautical Society.

Copies of the report on pre-war diets, the subject of a note in ourissue of May 21, have been sent to public libraries. The CarnegieUnited Kingdom Trust Has only a limited number of copies forfurther distribution.

New British standards include a glossary of terms used inradiology (B.s. 2597/1955, price 10s.) and a standard for electricallyheated blankets (B.s. 2612/1955, price 3s.). Copies are obtainablefrom the Sales Branch, British Standards Institution, 2, ParkStreet, London, W.1.

Births, Marriages, and Deaths


BUCKLEY.—On May 28, Charles William Buckley, M.D., F.R.C.P..of Bentley Corner, Ashbourne, and formerly of Buxton, inhis 81st year.

AppointmentsBRATHERTON, D. G., M.B. Camb., F.F.R., D.M.R.T.: consultant

radiotherapist, as asst. director of radiotherapeutic centre.. and for East Anglian R.H.B.DAVIDSON-LAMB, WILLIAM, M.C., M.B. Aberd., D.P.H.: deputy

county M.O.H. and deputy principal M.O., Gloucester.ELKINGTON, J. ST. C., M.D. Camb.. F.R.C.P.: consultant neuro-

logist, Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital, London.FEINMANN, E. L., M.B. Mane., M.R.C.P.: consultant chest physician,

Gateshead Tuberculosis Administrative Area, Newcastle R.H.B.HELM, W. H., M.R.C.P.: consultant chest physician, Burnley and

district hospitals, Manchester R.H.B.KUPER, S. W. A., M.B. Witw’srand, D.P.H., D.T.111. &H., D.C.P.: whole-

time clinical pathologist and biochemist, Brompton Hospital,London, S.W.3.

MACKAY, N. R., M.B. Aberd., F.R.C.S.E., D.1f.R.T. asst. radio-therapist (S.H.M.o.), Royal Marsden Hospital, London. S.W.3.

MEARA, R. H., M.B. Camb., M.R.o.p. : asst. physician, MiddlesexHospital, London.

NIKITIK, CONSTANTIN, M.D. LWOW, D.A.: consultantchestphysician,South Shields H.M.C., Newcastle R.H.B.

O’CONNELL, DANIEL, m.B. Dubl., D.M.R. : first asst., radiotherapydepartment, Charing Cross Hospital, London.

THOMAS, L. P., M.B. Wales, F.R.c.s. : senior casualty officer. CardiffRoyal Infirmary, Cardiff.

WALKER, G. B., M.B. Edin., D.P.H. : group medical superintendent,Borderg Hospitals board of management, South-EasternR.H.B.

WEAR, A. R.,. M.B. Leeds, D.o. : senior consultant ophthalmicsurgeon, special area committee, Cumberland and XorthW’estmorland and the Dumfries and Galloway board ofmanagement.

London County Council:BARNES, ROSALIND A., M.B.Lond., D.P.H., D.OBST. : whole-time

M.o., Public Health Department.HARVEY, HAROLD, L.R.C.P., D.P.R.: whole-time M.O., Public

Health Department.SHORE, ELIZABETH C.. L.R.C.P., D.OBST. : whole-time M.o.,

Public Health Department.

Birmingham Regional Hospital Board:FRIEND, J. H., M.D. Lond., M.R.C.P.: part-time consultant

physician, Stoke-on-Trent group.LEVISON, V. B., M.B. Lond., F.F.R., D.M.R.T.: whole-time con-

sultant radiotherapist, Coventry and Birmingham (DudleyRoad) groups.