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ANTES DE ABRIR EL CUADERNILLO LEA COMPLETAMENTE LAS SIGUIENTES INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES: El material de examen que va a utilizar consta de este CUADERNILLO DE PREGUNTAS Y UNA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS: 1 El llenado de la hoja de respuestas deberá efectuarse solamente con lápiz del número 2 ó 2 ½ 2 Utilice el CUADERNILLO únicamente para leer las preguntas y las opciones de respuesta 3 Registre con todo cuidado y correctamente en LA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS los datos que se le solicitan, tanto personales como de la aplicación 4 Su nombre completo debe registrarlo en el siguiente orden: APELLIDO PATERNO, APELLIDO MATERNO Y NOMBRE (5) Registre su firma tal como lo hizo en su credencial 5 En cuanto a la MATRÍCULA Y DATOS DE LA APLICACIÓN, anote sólo un dígito en cada recuadro, además rellene completa y firmemente los óvalos que corresponden con los números anotados 6 El CUADERNILLO contiene preguntas numeradas cada una de éstas presenta cuatro opciones de respuesta; de las cuales sólo una es la correcta 7 Es importante poner la mayor atención en cada pregunta y al elegir la respuesta llenar completa y firmemente el óvalo correspondiente Ejemplo:




Las preguntas de esta prueba se basan en el contenido dé su libro de texto Inglés Unidades XXXIII — XL.

PRIMERA PARTE Esta parte de la prueba consta de 6 preguntas, de la 1 a la 6. A continuación se le presentan dos textos que usted deberá leer con atención y, EXCLUSIVAMENTE con base en ellos, contestará las preguntas de esta parte.

At her death in 1695 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz left a remarkable body of writing—religious,

courtly, and popular poems in a wide variety of verse forms; intellectual treatises; religious and secular plays; a long epistemological poem, “Primero sueño”; and an autobiographical essay, the ‘Respuesta a Sor Filotea”, which, to date, remains the most reliable literary portrait we have of this woman of genius.

What we know of Sor Juana merely awakens our appetite for further information. We are

unsure of the date of her birth. We do not know whether she ever knew her father. We know approximately when she was sent to Mexico City to live with her mother’s sister, but not why. We can approximate the dates of her life in court under the protection and patronage of the Marqués and Marquesa de Mancera, but we know nothing of the everyday details of those years. We can only speculate as to why at the height of her popularity and in the full flush of her beauty she left the court to enter the convent. In addition to the guesses we can make from her writing, and besides the autobiographical “Respuesta”, and the nearly contemporary biography written by Father Diego Callejas, we have only a handful of birth, death, and marriage records relating to her family, and a few papers concerning Sor Juana’s entrance into and subsequent professions of faith in first the Carmelite Order, and then the Convent of Saint Jerome, where she died.

“Sor Juana Inés” by Margaret Sayers

(adapted) 1. According to the text, biographical material on Sor Juana is

A) accurate in its general content, B) abundant in chronological information. C) distorted for the study of her work. D) insufficient for understanding her life.



2. The reasons Sor Juana entered the convent are

A) clear. B) dubious. C) unknown. D) mystical.

3. When the author says “the most reliable literary portrait”, he means that

A) the information is true B) the details are perfect C) the details are correct A) the information is trustful.

Who was Dame Agatha Christie? Her father was a rich American financier, but she grew up in the English countryside among the genteel upper middle—class society she describes so well in bar books. During the First World War, she married Colonel Christie and served as a nurse. From her experience in hospitals at the time, she developed an interest in poisons which was to be so useful to her later in many of her stories. .She divorced her husband in 1928 and a few years later, married Sir Max Mallowan, a young archaeologist. She accompanied him on many of his expeditions and drew from them the plot of several of her novels. Agatha Christie started writing just after World War I, as a kind of challenge. She had no success with her first book, which no publisher wanted to take and which did not sell very well. It was only with the publication of The Murder of Roger Ackroyd in 1926 that she suddenly becarne well—known and started to reach fame.

Taken from Quartet.

4. Which of the following ideas is present in the text?

A) Agatha Christie became the first husband’s nurse. B) The critics rejected Agatha Christie’s first books. C) Books on archaeology were written by Agatha Christie. D) Agatha Christie’s works provide a good portrait of the British bourgeoisie.

5. Which of the following titles best suits the text?

A) “The Road to Success”. B) From Husband to Husband”. C) “The Literature after the War”. D) “A Medical Writer of War Times”.



6. Agatha Christie’s knowledge about poisons was valuable to her because she

A) worked in a hospital. B) applied it in her stories. C) wanted to get rid of her husband. D) used it in archaeological research,

SEGUNDA PARTE Esta parte de la prueba consta de 24 preguntas, de la 7 a la 30, en las cuales deberá elegir la opción que completa correcta y lógicamente las expresiones o diálogos incompletos que se le presentan. El tipo de pregunta que usted encontrará en esta parte se ilustra con el siguiente EJEMPLO:

7. The detective ___________ solved the case if he _________ investigated it exhaustively.

A) had / had B) had / would have C) would have / had D) would have / would have

8. Amy ______ have_______________ home. Don’t worry. I’m sure we’ll find her.

A) should / to go B) should / gone C) may / to go D) may / gone



9. Wally and Jill kissed and _________ up after the quarrel.

A) set B) made C) took D) caught

10. We saw the landscape __________ the window of the train.

A) straight B) through C) nearby D) amid

11. Jack Left because he couldn’t________________ for the infidelity of his wife.

A) set A) pay B) look C) stand

12. They never agreed _________ the specific details.

A) on B) at C) by D) for

13. I __________ my son __________ fail in his studies this year.

A) wish / wouldn’t B) wish / couldn’t C) wished / wouldn’t D) wished / couldn’t

14. Miss Jones is __________ out for that role. She’s the actress we need.

A) cut B) put C) got D) set



15 ___________ written the letter, I just ___________ for the reply.

A) Having / wait B) To have / wait C) Having / waited D) To have / waited

16. The machinery has to be made of __________ to resist the hard work

A) ivory B) steel C) foundry D) headstone

17. _________ delivered the merchandise, Jack went out for lunch.

A) Has B) Had C) Have D) Having

18. The _________ of a church is usually the most prominent structure in small towns

A) icicle B) steeple C) headstone D) settlement

19. The suit Louis wore at the party was completely ____________

A) advanced B) weak—minded C) careless D) old—fashioned

20. Mr. Black courteously __________ to accept our invitation.

A) rejected B) altered C) refused D) denied



21. The police searched the forest and __________ found the lost child.

A) evenly B) definitely C) eventually D) occasionally

22. One of the best known ___________ of the giraffe is its long neck.

A) features B) outputs C) steeples D) upkeeps

23. The own _________ of the building wants to demolish it.

A) or B) er C) ity D) able

24. The lawyer charged us an excessive __________

A) fee B) fare C) alloy D) tuition

25. From the helicopter we could see the city’s _________ of streets and avenues.

A) vision B) output C) failure D) network

26. The __________ of our swimming pool is only 1.50 e.

A) depth B) ground C) vacuum D) foundry



27. There is no doubt about the useful _______ of cars.

A) dom B) ity C) ment D) nees

28. Brenda’s book was a _________. It sold very little.

A) failure B) success C) network D) draught

29. Janet __________ be a great singer lf she _________ on studying hard.

A) will / goes B) will / went C) can / will go D) can / would go

30. Harriet is not dull. She is ________

A) lazy B) slowly C) weak D) clever


ANTES DE ABRIR EL CUADERNILLO LEA COMPLETAMENTE LAS SIGUIENTES INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES: El material de examen que va a utilizar consta de este CUADERNILLO DE PREGUNTAS Y UNA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS: 1 El llenado de la hoja de respuestas deberá efectuarse solamente con lápiz del número 2 ó 2 ½ 2 Utilice el CUADERNILLO únicamente para leer las preguntas y las opciones de respuesta 3 Registre con todo cuidado y correctamente en LA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS los datos que se le solicitan, tanto personales como de la aplicación 4 Su nombre completo debe registrarlo en el siguiente orden: APELLIDO PATERNO, APELLIDO MATERNO Y NOMBRE (5) Registre su firma tal como lo hizo en su credencial 5 En cuanto a la MATRÍCULA Y DATOS DE LA APLICACIÓN, anote sólo un dígito en cada recuadro, además rellene completa y firmemente los óvalos que corresponden con los números anotados 6 El CUADERNILLO contiene preguntas numeradas cada una de éstas presenta cuatro opciones de respuesta; de las cuales sólo una es la correcta 7 Es importante poner la mayor atención en cada pregunta y al elegir la respuesta llenar completa y firmemente el óvalo correspondiente Ejemplo:


ES RESPONSABILIDAD DEL ESTUDIANTE EL LLENADO DE LA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS. Las preguntas de esta prueba se basan en el contenido de su libro, de texto Inglés, Unidades XXXIII — XL.

PRIMERA PARTE Esta parte de la prueba consta de 6 preguntas, de la 1 a la 6. A continuación se le presentan dos textos que Usted deberá leer con atención y, EXCLUSIVAMENTE con base en ellos, contestará las preguntas de esta parte.. Few men have been admired and glorified in recent times as the American astronauts . in the 1960 ‘s – a decade of assas sinations, campus violence ,and a war in a distant land- the citizenry the U.S.A was in desperate want of heroes, and the spacemen filled that need. But NASA (the national) Aeronautics and Space Administration) was not content simply to have astronauts respected for what they were: courageous men experiencing many of the same pleasures and pains as other human beings. Instead, the astronauts were 2sold” as a unique kind of supermen. It was one of the most ambitious and successful public relations campaigns in history. From the beginning , the media treated the astronauts as exceptional individuals. In its first article about the original Project Mercury astronauts. Time said: “ from a nation of 175 million they stepped forward last week: seven men cut of the same as Columbus, Magellan, Daniel Boone, Orville and Wilbur Wright. Taken from the People’s almanac. 1.- which of the following ideas is present in the text?

A. America transformed normal men into an exceptional kind of superman. B. American spacemen are the most admired men in modern history. C. American spacemen ware formed through an intelligent propaganda campaign. D. American needed heroes to contrast the bad image of the sixties

2.- Which of the following titles best suits the text? A. “NASA: right or wrong” “The dangers of publicity” B. “A new race of conquerors” “Exceptional men or ordinary people?”


3.- Astronauts were admired ; however

A. NASA was not satisfied. They ware quite popular. B. They didn’t like to be sold. Public relations worked well.

Hachi went to a Tokyo railroad station to see his master off for work, as usual, one day in 1925. that evening at 5 o’clock, he went to meet the train on which his master always came home. The dog had no way of knowing that his master had died in the city. Never giving up hope, hachi went to the railroad station every day for the next ten years – then , when of this life- and waited for the 5 o’clock train. Then people of his master didn’t appear, he went sadly home. The people of Japan loved the little dog. When he died, the government put up a statue of Hachi on the spot where he had waited and sent small replicas to all the schools in the Empire. Taken from The People’s Almanac. 4.- Which of the following ideas is present in the text?

A. Master and dog deserved a statue. Hachi outlived his master ten years. B. Hachi’s master was killed in the city. The dog liked to see his master at work.

5.- Which of the following titles best suits the text?

A. “ A Glorious Death” “ the habits of a dog” “an unexpected death” “the loyalty of a dog”

6.- In the phrase “never giving up hope”, the expression “giving up” could be replaced by.

A. Losing. Forgetting Putting away. Throwing away.


Esta parte de la prueba consta de 50 preguntas, de la 7 a la 56, en las cuales deberá elegir la opción que completa correcta y lógicamente las expresiones o diálogos incompletos que se le presentan.

7.- I________ she _________accepted my proposal.

A. Wish /had Wish / has Wish / had Wish / has 8.- I met the govern _______last night at his office.

A. Er Or Dom Ment 9.- We must help our friend while he is in ____________.

A. Aid Risk Danger Output 10.- I didn’t shave because my electric shaver was_______________.

A. Held out Figured out Out of date Out of order


11.- Chinese are ______________in farm work.

A. Product Produce Productive Productively 12.- _________she________ been home earlier? It will soon be midnight and streets are dangerous.

A. Can’t / had Can’t / have Shouldn’t /had Shouldn’t / have 13.-We _________ about silly things till midnight.

A. Wasted Chatted Alleged Exchanged 14.- Linda ____________away from my window, and _________away.

A. Go / stay Far / get Right / fly Throw / break 15.- I________ use a pen if I __________a typewriter.

A. Didn’t / have Didn’t / had Wouldn’t / had

16.- this chair is very _______comfortable. A. Un In Dis Mis

17.- My brother likes literature. He should take a course in_________writing.

A. Create Creature Creative Creatively 18.- After long studies, Paul became ________ with greek history.

A. Family Familiar Familiarly Familiarize 19.- Not many children _________of blind people.

A. Do well Do them good Make fun Make a difference

20.- I___________ my son ________ fail in his studies this year. A. Wish / wouldn’t Wish / couldn’t Wished /wouldn’t Wished /

couldn’t 21.- Tom was selfish with Tina and now their affair is_____________.

A. Run down All over Well done Taken after. 22.- I was surprised to find my grandmother ________________through the keyhole.

A. Peep Drove Peeped Peeping 23.- Tom gave me a ride and__________ me off at the post office.

A. Took Drove Stopped Dropped 24.- I bought a little figure carved in __________.

A. Soil Wool Ivory Icicle 25.- The concert was a ___________. Nobody attended it.

A. Wrong Failure Reject Vacancy 26.-She made ___________________.

A. An awful mistake No harm to anybody Much better the second time Fifty miles an hour on the trip.

27.- Jennifer ________have___________ the exam. She was sick and depressed.

A. Wasn’t /passed Wasn’t / passing Couldn’t / passed Couldn’t / passing 28.- She’s mean to animals but,__________-with people.

A. Human Humane Interested Uninterested 29.- Vicky __________left for the congress. I haven’t seen her for a week.

A. Would be Must be Would have Must have


30.- Martha _________if something _________to Harry

A. Dies / happens Dies / happened Will die / happens Will die / happened.

31.- My wife helped me _________my pains.

A. Forget Forgot Forgets Forgotten 32.- She was lost in the_________ of the woods.

A. Pace Depth Waste Ground 33.- My sister __________excellent results in her woods.

A. Endured Aroused Achieved attempted 34.- I saw her __________away with her little dog.

A. Walk Walks Walked To walk 35.- Poverty is the _________of many evils.

A. Stream Source Resource hardship 36.- I wish I _________have_____ the grey flannel suit.

A. Can / bought Can / to buy Could / bought Could / to buy 37.- Joe ____________when his boss reprimanded him.

A. Blew away Threw away Fell from office Fell to his knees. 38.- Barbara loves her __________husband.

A. Likely Foundry Faithful Plentiful 39.-I can’t believe tom took the money . His behaviour had been__________ since he entered the firm.

A. Convenient Inconvenient Questionable Unquestionable 40.- The plane __________off before noon.

A. Got Took Made Went 41.- Not_______________ the film, I couldn’t argue with albert.

A. Have seen Have to see Having seen Having to see 42.- I had to ________up till the program finished.

A. Set Make Stay Cheer 43.- you shouldn’t ____________so much of your success.

A. Boast Crave Endow Comply 44. I ______________my dogs meat and milk.

A. Feed Breed Endure Suffice 45.- I didn’t _________about your books.

A. Waste Forget Strive Believe 46.- Daisy caught a bad disease and __________behind in her studies.

A. Ran Got Took Fell 47.- I didn’t pay my member ____________fees. I can’t go to the sports club anymore.

A. Ship Ness Hood Ment 48.-The thief escaped and left no____________________.

A. Fields Path Tracks Site


49.- I___________________ will not go to Tom’s party. A. Evenly Definitely Eventually Occasionally

50.-Dr. Smith operated on my uncle with great ______________________.

A. Accuracy Emergency Instruction Performance 51.-The plumber’s ____________with his tools surprised us all.

A. Special Specialty Efficient Efficiency 52.- She could have _________the contest if she ___________worked more.

A. Won / has Won / had To win/ has To win / had 53.- Asimov is one of the best _________________writers.

A. Vision Technique Science- fiction Extra – terrestrial. 54.- I have always been ____________to my school teachers.

A. Annoyed Grateful Familiar Particular 55.- The glass didn’t break when Jean _____________it on the floor.

A. Piled Risked Spread Dropped 56.- She didn’t _________her aunt’s jewels.

A. Steal Steel Bore Rob


ANTES DE ABRIR EL CUADERNILLO LEA COMPLETAMENTE LAS SIGUIENTES INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES: El material de examen que va a utilizar consta de este CUADERNILLO DE PREGUNTAS Y UNA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS: 1 El llenado de la hoja de respuestas deberá efectuarse solamente con lápiz del número 2 ó 2 ½ 2 Utilice el CUADERNILLO únicamente para leer las preguntas y las opciones de respuesta 3 Registre con todo cuidado y correctamente en LA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS los datos que se le solicitan, tanto personales como de la aplicación 4 Su nombre completo debe registrarlo en el siguiente orden: APELLIDO PATERNO, APELLIDO MATERNO Y NOMBRE (5) Registre su firma tal como lo hizo en su credencial 5 En cuanto a la MATRÍCULA Y DATOS DE LA APLICACIÓN, anote sólo un dígito en cada recuadro, además rellene completa y firmemente los óvalos que corresponden con los números anotados 6 El CUADERNILLO contiene preguntas numeradas cada una de éstas presenta cuatro opciones de respuesta; de las cuales sólo una es la correcta 7 Es importante poner la mayor atención en cada pregunta y al elegir la respuesta llenar completa y firmemente el óvalo correspondiente Ejemplo:


ES RESPONSABILIDAD DEL ESTUDIANTE EL LLENADO DE LA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS. Las preguntas de esta prueba se basan en el contenido de su libro, de texto Inglés, Unidades XXXIII — XL.

PRIMERA PARTE Esta parte de la prueba consta de 6 preguntas, de la 1 a la 6. A continuación se le presentan dos textos que Usted deberá leer con atención y, EXCLUSIVAMENTE con base en ellos, contestará las preguntas de esta parte.. In recent times the idiom has become the object of increased interest on the part of both the theoretical and the practical linguist has approached the nature of the idiom through lexical collocation and syntactic Structure, and has aimed at a formal framework of description. The practical linguist has drawn the leanness attention to the idiom by providing collections of idiomatic expressions both as reference and exercise material. This interest has perhaps resulted from an integral part of the teaching and learning of English, that idioms are not a separate part of the language to be learnt at will by advanced Students, but that the form an essential core of the living language as it spoken by millions of native speakers all over the world. Idioms are neither nation-bound nor class-bound. They are used by the Australian, Canadian or Scottish native speaker a like and are generally not dependent for their degree of use on either social or educational background. It is difficult to find a passage of continuous prose in modern English which does not contain idiomatic expressions.

Jennifer seidl. 1; in the sentence “the idioms has become the object of increased interest” the world idiom means.

A) Aliving tongue. B) A contemporary language. C) A syntactic structure.


D) A metaphoric form of speech. 2; which of the following ideas is present in the text?

A) Only in recent times have linguists been interested in idioms. B) English prose is based on the used of idiomatic expressions. C) Idioms should be taught as an essential part of the language. D) The theoretical linguist and the practical linguist work in opposite directions.

3; which of the following titles is suitable for the text?

A) “idioms and modern prose” “the teaching of idioms today” B) “polemics in modern linguistics” “native speakers and their social background”

Who was dame Agatha Christie? Her father was a rich American financier; but she grew up in the English countryside among the genteel upper middle-class society she describes so well in her books. During the First World War, she married colonel hospitals at the time, she developed an interest in poisons witch was to be so useful to her later in many of her stories. She divorced her husband in 1928 and a few years later, married sir max mallowan, a young archaeologist. She accompanied him on many of his expeditions and drew from them the plot of several of her novels. Agatha Christie started writing just after World War I, as a king of challenge. She had no success with her first book, which no publisher wanted to; take and which did not sell very well. It was only with the publication of the murder of Roger Ackroyd in 1926 that she suddenly became well-know and started to reach fame.

Taken from quartet. 4; which of the following ideas is present in the text?

A) Agatha Christie became her first husband’s nurse. The critics rejected Agatha Christie’s first books.

B) Books on archaeology were written by Agatha Christie. Agatha Christie’s works provide a good portrait of the British bourgeoisie.

5; which of the following titles best suits the text? A) “The road to success”. “From husband to husband”. B) “The literature after the war”. “A medical writer of war times”.

6; Agatha Christie’s knowledge about poisons was valuable to her because she.

A) Worked in a hospital. Applied it in her stories. B) Wanted to get rid of her husband. Used it archaeological research.


Esta parte de la prueba consta de 46 preguntas, de la 7 a la 52, en las cuales deberá elegir la opción que completa correcta y lógicamente las expresiones o diálogos incompletos que se le presentan.

7; mexico´s gas _______________ is Increasing steadily.

A) method. Output. Techique. Achievement. 8; ___________ mary have been ___________ at that time? could / writing. Should / write. Must / Writen. Might / to write.


9; I could have _________ faster, if I ________ the other shoes.

A) Ran / had worn. Ran / would wear. Run / had worn. Run / would wear.

10; we must__________ in touch with Him asa soon as possible.

A) go. Get. Hold. Stand. 11; the smiths moved to a very pleasant neighbour___________.

A) dom. ment. Ship. Hood. 12; if I ever have a daughter, I want her to____________ my wife.

A) Fall for. Take over. Take after. Fall behind. 13; terry________________ not have ________ that song.

A) should / sing. Would / sung. May / singing. Must / to sing. 14; I had never seen such a _________ dog before. It Must be newly born.

A) Tiny. Narrow. Minimum. Decreased. 15; Laura was______________ to stand.

A) Anxious. Grateful. Annoyed. Particular. 16; I bought Shakespeare’s complete Works_________ a special Collection of Elizabethan Theatre.

A) Advice. Advice. Beside. Besides. 17; I don’t see the ________ of The new machine.

A) Turmoil. Specialty. Usefulness. Preference. 18; I wish I __________ as lucky as You.

A) Be. Were. To be. Being. 19; will you______ care________ My cat while I am away?

A) Take / of. Look / of. Take / for. Look / for. 20; I didn’t think Henry would _____ Into the trap.

A) Risk. Fall. Drop. Dwell. 21; the teacher said ________________

A) Peter a story. To arrive early. That we are lazy. Us the whole truth. 22; George __________ an important Literary prize.

A) Won. Beat. Adapted. Adopted. 23; my marriage is _______________ I’ll never see Mildred again.

A) All over. Over all. Over and over. Over and above. 24; I only visit Aunt Lucy ________________.

A) Definitely. Faithfully. Eventually. Occasionally. 25; ________________ written the letter. I just _____________ for the reply.

A) Having / wait. To have / wait. Having / waited to have / waited. 26; the work has been done carefully And with great ___________

A) Skill. Load. Pace. Source. 27; Beethoven is ___________ for his Nine Symphonies.

A) Worthy. Famous. Familiar. Particular. 28; Lillian _____________ deeply in love ___________ Oscar.


A) Kept / of. Feel / of. Kept / with. Fell / with. 29; unfortunately, many countries Are still ____ developed.

A) in. Un. Dis. Mis. 30; the rat was killed with _________ Gas.

A) Lethal. Dreaded. Versatile. Breathtaking. 31; Pete has proved highly__________ in his new job.

A) Production. Productively. Productive. Productivity. 32; he listens to music with great Intens ____________.

A) Ion. Ness. Ity. Able. 33; she _______ me _______ a long Time for the car.

A) Got / wait. made / wait. Got / to wait. Made / to wait. 34; the suit Louis wore as the wore Party was completely/ _____________________.

A) Advanced. Weak-winded. Careless. Old-fashioned. 35; Betty shouldn’t _______________ so much Of her beauty. Dwell. Boast. Allege. Comply. 36; I wish you ___________ theDancing contest.

A) Had lost. Will lose. Have lost. Should lose. 37; the bread was hard, so I _____________ it away.

A) Got. Blew. Threw. Broke. 38; an atomic war may be the end of_______________.

A) Mankind. Spacecraft. Ecological. Science-fiction. 39; you have to ________ the Parrot before you leave.

A) Chat. Feed. Breed. Provide. 40; Paul is __________ worried about The fuel crisis.

A) Reel. Real. Quite. Quiet. 41; don’t forget _________ the Party next Saturday.

A) Of. From. On. About. 42;You ________ leave the office Early if you ________ to get to The concert on time.

A) Must / wish. Would / wish. Must / wished. Should / wished. 43; you should never _________ fun __________ old people.

A) Do / of. Do / with. Make / of. Make / with. 44; his __________ comes from talent And hard work.

A) Active. Forward. Maximum. Success. 45; molly was in __________ of Death after the accident.

A) Doubt Danger. Hardship. Emergency. 46; Mary ___________ her uncle’s House and car.

A) Achieved. Surpassed. Inherited. Attempted. 47; I __________ an enemy __________ In the top of a Tree.

A) Found / hide. Noticed / hides. Caught / to hide. Discovered / hidding. 48; it isn’t __________ to keep the Jewels in the closet.


A) Safe. Stable. Available. Perspective. 49; I wish my sister ____________Like Edith plaff.

A) Sings. To sing. Will sing. Could sing. 50; the table is not _______ For our dining room.

A) Familiar. Hand-made. Suitable. Home-building. 51; I will stay at home if you ____________ feel well after Lunch.

A) Don’t. Wouldn’t. Won’t. Shouldn’t. 52; I saw fellini´s ___________Latest film.

A) Huge. Fabulous. Plentiful. Inventory.



ANTES DE ABRIR EL CUADERNILLO LEA COMPLETAMENTE LAS SIGUIENTES INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES: El material de examen que va a utilizar consta de este CUADERNILLO DE PREGUNTAS Y UNA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS: 1 El llenado de la hoja de respuestas deberá efectuarse solamente con lápiz del número 2 ó 2 ½ 2 Utilice el CUADERNILLO únicamente para leer las preguntas y las opciones de respuesta 3 Registre con todo cuidado y correctamente en LA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS los datos que se le solicitan, tanto personales como de la aplicación 4 Su nombre completo debe registrarlo en el siguiente orden: APELLIDO PATERNO, APELLIDO MATERNO Y NOMBRE (5) Registre su firma tal como lo hizo en su credencial 5 En cuanto a la MATRÍCULA Y DATOS DE LA APLICACIÓN, anote sólo un dígito en cada recuadro, además rellene completa y firmemente los óvalos que corresponden con los números anotados 6 El CUADERNILLO contiene preguntas numeradas cada una de éstas presenta cuatro opciones de respuesta; de las cuales sólo una es la correcta 7 Es importante poner la mayor atención en cada pregunta y al elegir la respuesta llenar completa y firmemente el óvalo correspondiente Ejemplo:



ES RESPONSABILIDAD DEL ESTUDIANTE EL LLENADO DE LA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS. Las preguntas de esta prueba se basan en el contenido de su libro, de texto Inglés, Unidades XXXIII — XL.

PRIMERA PARTE Esta parte de la prueba consta de 26 preguntas, de la 1 a la 26, en las cuales deberá elegir la opción que completa correcta y lógicamente las expresiones o diálogos incompletos que se le presentan.

1. - I had never seen such a ________ dog before. It must be newly born. a) Tiny narrow minimum decreased. 2. - You shouldn't ______ your time like that. a) Ease chat boast waste 3. - The baby was _______ up blocks to form a tower. a) Spreading breeding arousing piling. 4. - The glasses didn't break because I packed them ______. a) Straightly permanently carefully respectively.



5. - If was Jonh who hid our books. There's no _______ about it. a) Doubt foal guiad toll. 6. - They have an interesting _______ of photographs at the "Museum of Modern Arts". a) Output feature display d) ornate. 7. - Harry is a very ______ person. He is always kind and considerate. a) Think thinking thoughtfully thoughtful. 8. - Helen expected to receive an enormous stone in her engagement ring, but she only received a ______ pearl. a) Mayor tiny mild huge. 9. - The candidates for best actos are Bert Rainbows and Roger Bedford. I ______ Roger Bedford. a) am for stand for stand on am on. 10. - Jack left because he could't ______ for the infidelity of his wife. a) Set pay look stand. 11. - Mrs. Craig has been absent for two weeks because she is ill _____ hepatitis. a) of off for with 12. - Please, _______ me _____ ar the entrance of the house. It's raining very hard. a) drop/off drive/off drop/out drive/out. 13. - My brother is doing ______ his work. a) Ugly plants better mistake 14. - Miss Jones is ______ out for that role. She's the actress we need. a) Put cut got set 15. - Tom is always enthusiastic _____ sports. a) About with from of 16. - Mrs. Smith is very _______ of sophisticated works. a) in charge annoyed cut out fond 17. - She made _________ a) an awful mistake no harm to anybody much better the second time fifty miles an hour on the trip. 18. - Ralph _______ have _______ the situation. He's too immature. a) should/not understood could/not understood could not/ understood should not/ understood 19. - If you _______ better, you _______ have some fruit. a) feel/coould feel/can would feel/could will feel/can 20. - I could clearly smell something ______ in the kitchen a) Burneo burns burnt burning. 21. - If Jane ______ me I ______ go to her party next Friday. a) invited/will invites/will will invite/can would invite/can 22. - Sally is very weak. I'm sure she ______ not _______ the bags by herself. a) might/have carried might have/carried could/have carried could have/carried 23. - Unfortunately, many contries are still ______ developed a) in un dis mis 24. - Robert can't give a lecture. He is an _______ literate. a) Im un in il



25. - Billy saw the man _______ his mother's handbag a) Took takes taking to take. 26. - I watched the cat _______ in the rain. a) Running to run runs ran

SEGUNDA PARTE Esta parte de la prueba consta de 6 preguntas, de la 27 a la 32. A continuación se le presentan dos textos que usted deberá leer con atención y, EXCLUSIVAMENTE con base en ellos, contestara las preguntas de esta parte.

At her death in 1695 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz left a remariable body of writing-religious, courtly, and popular poems in a wide variety of verse forms; intellectual treatises; religious and secular plays; a long epistemological poem, “Primero Sueño”; and an autobiographical essay, the “Respuesta a Sor Filotea”, which, to date, remains the most reliable literary portrait we have of this womanof genius. What we snow of sor Juana merely awakens our appetite for further information. We are unsure of the date of her birth. We do not know whether she know her father. We know approximately when she was sent to México City to live with her mother’s sister, but not why. We can approximate the dates of her life in court under the protection and patronage of the Marques and Marquesa de Mancera, but we I now nothing of the everyday datails of those years. We can only speculate as to why at the height of her popularity and in the full flush of the beauty she left the court to enter the convent. In addition to the guesses we can make from her writing, and besides the autobiographical “Respuesta”, and the nearly contemporany biography written by Father Diego Callejas, we have only a handful of birth, death, and marriage records relating to her family, and a few papers concenning Sor Juana’s entrance into and subsequent professions of faith in first the Carmelite Order, and then the Convent af Saint Jerome, where she died.

“Sor Juana Inés” by Margaret Sayers (adapted)

27. – According to the text, biographical material on Sor Juan Inés is: a) Accurate in its general content. Abundant in cronological information. b) Distorted for the study of her work. Insufficient for understanding her life. 28. – The reasons Sor Juana entered the convent are: a) Clear dubious unknown mystical. 29. – When the author says “the most reliable literary portrart", he means that. a) the information is true the details are perfect the details are correct the information is trustful. It was reported that the number of deaths caused by railways in one year was 4,712. That sounds like a good argument for staying off trains, perhaps for keeping to your cars instead. But when you look at the figure more closely, you learn that 5 it means something quite different. Nearly half the victims were people whose cars crashed with trains at crossings. Only one hundred and thirty-two were passenger on trains. And even that figure is worth little for the purposes of comparison unless you also have information on total passenger 10 miles.

Taken from Take it As Read Mark Ellis & Printha Ellis


30. - A great number of people were reported to have died in railway accidents; however. a) driving trains is dangerous not all of them crashed at crossings b) most of them were not passengers on trains. This information should be based on total passerger miles. 31. - The main idea in the text is that. a) Car drivers fear trains. Trains are safer than cars. b) Train passengers often die at crossings. Cars are rarely mentioned in statistics.



32. - The word "it", underlined in line 5, refers to. a) the figure looling closely a good afgument keeping to one a car.


Esta parte de la prueba consta de 16 preguntas, de la 33 a la 49, en las cuales deberá elegir la opción que completa correcta y lógicamente las expresiones o diálogos incompletos que se le presentan. 33. - Mary's crying. You ________________ not _____________ her like that.

a) may / punished may / have punished should / punished d) should / have punished 34. – I could have ____________ faster, if I __________ the other shoes.

a) ran / had worn ran / would wear run / had worn run / wear 35. – Never trust Barbara; she told everybody what she had __________ about Jane.

a) Oversight overtaken overheard overcome 36. – All the car’s _____________ were modernized for the new model.

a) Icicles features drawbaks performances 37. – I bought Shakespeare’s complete works ______________ a special collection of Elizabet than theatre.

a) Advine advise beside besides 38. – I wish I ______________ as lucky as you.

a) Be were to be being 39. – I dind’t think Henry would _____________ into the trap.

a) Risk fail drop dwel 40. – Please, ___________ me _____________ at the entrance of the house. It’s raining very hard.

a) drop / off drive / off drop / out drive / out 41. – Who will _____________ over your father’s business when he retires?

a) Do get come take 42. – My engagement to Dan is a secret. Don’t ____________ the news.

a) Chat spread arouse provide 43. – I didn’t ____________ about your books.

a) Waste forget strive believe 44. – I wish they _____________ have ____________ earlier.

a) will / come could / come will / to come could / to come 45. – They should _____________ arrived yesterday. Their vacation is over.

a) have been had been have had. 46. – Sally stole ______________.

a) a car a factory an old man an institution 47. – If Lizzy ____________ the contest, she ____________ participate in the national games.

a) will win / Hill wins / will will win / would Wins / would 48. – If Ralph wants to ____________ up, he Hill have to take extra classes.

a) catch make put go 49. – Mr. Watson wishes he ___________ how to swim.

a) Known know knew knows



ANTES DE ABRIR EL CUADERNILLO LEA COMPLETAMENTE LAS SIGUIENTES INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES: El material de examen que va a utilizar consta de este CUADERNILLO DE PREGUNTAS Y UNA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS: 1 El llenado de la hoja de respuestas deberá efectuarse solamente con lápiz del número 2 ó 2 ½ 2 Utilice el CUADERNILLO únicamente para leer las preguntas y las opciones de respuesta 3 Registre con todo cuidado y correctamente en LA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS los datos que se le solicitan, tanto personales como de la aplicación 4 Su nombre completo debe registrarlo en el siguiente orden: APELLIDO PATERNO, APELLIDO MATERNO Y NOMBRE (5) Registre su firma tal como lo hizo en su credencial 5 En cuanto a la MATRÍCULA Y DATOS DE LA APLICACIÓN, anote sólo un dígito en cada recuadro, además rellene completa y firmemente los óvalos que corresponden con los números anotados 6 El CUADERNILLO contiene preguntas numeradas cada una de éstas presenta cuatro opciones de respuesta; de las cuales sólo una es la correcta 7 Es importante poner la mayor atención en cada pregunta y al elegir la respuesta llenar completa y firmemente el óvalo correspondiente Ejemplo:




Las preguntas de esta prueba se basan en el contenido de su libro, de texto Inglés, Unidades XXXIII — XL.

PRIMERA PARTE Esta parte de la prueba consta de 6 preguntas, de la 1 a la 6. A continuación se le presentan dos textos que Usted deberá leer con atención y, EXCLUSIVAMENTE con base en ellos, contestará las preguntas de esta parte.. Aretha Franklin, the undisputed “Queen of Soul”, received more awards in America in her short career than any other female artist. She’s the source and inspiration of artists in many countries and projects emotion as if she invented it. Born one of five children in Detroit, she was the daughter of Reverend C.L. Franklin, a well-known preacher in the States, who toured churches throughout the country with his helpers and singers. Aretha was part of his choir, although she was only fourteen years old.

Taken from record sleeve, by Bill Harry.


1. According to the article, Aretha Franklin

A) started singing when she was a teenager,

B) was inspired by artists all over the


C) invented different ways to project emotions.

D) helped his father to preach all over the


2. Which of’ the following statements is true according to the text? A) Aretha Franklin had five children. b) Aretha had four brothers and sisters. C) Rev. Franklin’s oldest daughter was Aretha. D) Rev. Franklin’s only child sang in his choir.

3. When the author refers to Aretha Franklin as “the undisputed, ‘Queen of Soul´”, he means that everybody

A) deserve her. B) agreed with her. C) gave her full credit. D) considered her number one.



Dolores Del Rio was a Mexican actress of rare beauty who starred in more than 30 films in Hollywood and dozens in Mexico. She died of natural causes at her home In Newport Beach, Çalif., at the age of 77. As a teenager Del Rio caught the eye of a Hollywood director and shocked her upper-class family by leaving Mexico City to appear in his films. Her exquisite, expressive face won her, many fans with such silent movie as “What Price Glory” and “Ramona’, and she gracefully made the transition to talking pictures. But she became typecast, playing too many Indian Maidens, peasant girls and Latin femmes fatales”. “When producers give you beautiful cloths to wear in pictures, they also give you dumb parts”, Del Rio complained in 1942. A year late she Left Hollywood for Mexico where she eventually won four Ariels, the Mexican. Oscars.

Taken from Newsweek, April 25, 1983. (Adapted)

4. Dolores del Rio’s beauty gave her a great popularity as an actress, however she

A) only played. dumb roles, B) was a “femme fatale”. C) became typecast.. D) made only silent movies.

5. The .reaction of Dolores del Rio’s family at her leaving for Hollywood was of

A) amusement and hope. B) surprise and disapproval. C) impotence and fear. D) frustration and anger.

6. Which of the following statements is true according to the text? A) Dolores del Rio acted mainly in silent movies. B) Dolores del Rio fell in love with a Hollywood director. C) Dolores del Rio attracted the attention of a Hollywood director. D) Dolores del Rio once complained about the kind of clothes she was given.




Esta parte de la prueba consta de 50 preguntas, de la 7 a la 56, en las cuales deberá elegir la opción que completa correcta y lógicamente las expresiones o diálogos incompletos que se le presentan.

7. The Wilsons live in a _________ house that has about eight rooms and an enormous kitchen.

A) huge B) mild C) familiar D) faithful

8. The mailman had to ___________ our letters to our neighbor because we were away.

A) bring B) surpass C) endow D) deliver

9. The farmer discovered the tramp __________ one of his hens.

A) steal B) stolen C) stealing D) to steal

10. Tom’s friend ______________ for Jenny is sincere.

A) ship B) ity C) ness D) dom

11. ________ I __________________ the letter ? You never told me to do it A) Can / have destroyed 8) Should / have destroyed C) Can have / destroyed D) Should have / destroyed 12. I am _________ with Phil. His statements are insulting.

A) worthy B) dropped C) anxious D) annoyed



13. __________ his studies, Phil is looking for a job.

A) Finishes B) Finishing C) Has finished D) Having finished

14. We never imagined Eddie ________ in public.

A) sang B) sings C) singing D) to sing

15. If Kate ___________ sincere, Mr. Lynch. _______ help her; but she isn’t

A) were / would B) will be / would C) were / will D) will be / will

16. Working with clay is a __________ I learned at school.

A) goal B) skill C) network D) harness

17. Tim was so anxious that he __________ on smoking nervously.

A) put B) was C) kept D) moved

18. Ralph _______ have ______ the situation. He’s too immature.

A) should / not understood B) could / not understood C) should not / understood D) could not / understood

19. You should help Amy ___________ everything for the meeting.

A) prepare B) prepares C) prepared D) preparing

20. Celia´s astonish________ was evident.

A) er B) ment C) or D) hood

21. Marcia wishes she ____________ a little thinner, but she can’t.

A) can get B) could get C) can be getting D) could have gotten

22. Miss Jones is ______ out for that role. She’s the actress we need.

A) cut B) put C) got D) set

23. Mrs. Collins has ______appeared. Nobody has seen her in weeks.

A) an B) mis C) in D) dis

24. Marian wished Fred _________ not ________ that job. She couldn’t see him as often as she wanted to.

A) had / take B) did / took C) had / taken D) did / to take



25. Stop talking that way! I’m not going to _________ your bad manners.

A) look in B) stand in C) look for D) stand for

26. Harry is a very _________ person. He is always kind and considerate.

A) think B) thinking C) thoughtful D) thoughtfully

27. Does the teacher wish her students _______ more polite?

A) are B) were C) will be D) should be

28. Grace feels _____love with her boss.

A) in B) off C) to D) for

29. The archaeologists ____________ explore a new area next week if they ______________ enough money.

A) will / get B) will / will get C) would / get D) would / will get

30 This wire is twisted. I need a ___________ one.

A) right B) narrow C) shallow D) straight

31. The manager wanted to __________ the clerk ___________ for a higher position

A) see / out B) try / out C) see / on D) try / on

32. The hotel is full. They don’t have any room _______________

A) plentiful’ B) desolate C) available D) suitable

33. The telephone rang when all of us were ________ in sleep.

A) out B) deep C) fell D) over

34. The children can’t _________ the tent. It’s too large.

A) set down B) get down C) set up D) get up

35. If the package had arrived earlier, I _______ received it.

A) had B) would C) had been D) would have

36. It was John who hid our books. There’s no ________ about it.

A) doubt B) foal C) guild D) toil



37. We need to ________ aware _______ our deficiencies.

A) be /of B) have / of C) be / with D) have / with

38. The police searched the forest and ____________ found the lost child

A) evenly B) definitely C) eventually D) occasionally

39. Andy got his first job He’s ____________ errands _________ the milkman.

A) taking / to B) running / to C) taking / for D) running/ for

40. The garden was filled with ____________ after the party.

A) leisure B) litter C) waste D) load

41. The sudden ringing of the telephone _________ Mike from his sleep.

A) boasted B) dropped C) aroused D) rattled

42. Tom’s _________ to the problem is different from mine, but we agree on many points.

A) theory B) approach C) perspective D) development

43. The police ________ Jeff’s car to the police station. It was parked in a restricted area.

A) hauled B) dwelled C) dropped D) stored

44. Dick couldn’t attend school. He’s ill ________ small pox.

A) of B) by C) off D) with

45. They have an interesting __________ of photographs at the “Museum of Modern Arts”.

A) output B) feature C) ornate D) display

46. The policemen caught those who ________ away from their guards.

A) kept. B) broke C) blew D) threw

47. Janet needs some stalks of _____________ for her salad.

A) celery B) pair C) salary D) pear

48. Nothing ___________ Jeremy’s hunger. He’s always eating.

A) provides B) attempts C) suffices D) achieves



49. The __________ of our swimming pool is only 1.50 m.

A) depth B) ground C) vacuum D) foundry

50. The guard knelt down ____________ when the Queen entered the room.

A) continuously B) respectively C) continually D) respectfully

51. The dog jumped over the ______ and escaped.

A) path B) icicle C) gate D) shuttle

52. Nancy will never be able to buy that car she wants. She _______ all her money.

A) saves B) squanders C) increases D) decreases

53. Peter’s is not a very _________ story. Nobody will believe it.

A) fare B) likely C) reality D) functional

54. Jim accused Lucy of breaking the window, but she ___________ it.

A) denied B) alleged C) refused D) rejected

55. Somebody _________ have _________ Katty’s ring; She can not find it.

A) must / stole B) should / stole C) must / stolen D) should / stolen

56. Harriet is not dull. She is

A) lazy B) slowly C) weak D) clever


ANTES DE ABRIR EL CUADERNILLO LEA COMPLETAMENTE LAS SIGUIENTES INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES: El material de examen que va a utilizar consta de este CUADERNILLO DE PREGUNTAS Y UNA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS: 1 El llenado de la hoja de respuestas deberá efectuarse solamente con lápiz del número 2 ó 2 ½ 2 Utilice el CUADERNILLO únicamente para leer las preguntas y las opciones de respuesta 3 Registre con todo cuidado y correctamente en LA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS los datos que se le solicitan, tanto personales como de la aplicación 4 Su nombre completo debe registrarlo en el siguiente orden: APELLIDO PATERNO, APELLIDO MATERNO Y NOMBRE (5) Registre su firma tal como lo hizo en su credencial 5 En cuanto a la MATRÍCULA Y DATOS DE LA APLICACIÓN, anote sólo un dígito en cada recuadro, además rellene completa y firmemente los óvalos que corresponden con los números anotados 6 El CUADERNILLO contiene preguntas numeradas cada una de éstas presenta cuatro opciones de respuesta; de las cuales sólo una es la correcta 7 Es importante poner la mayor atención en cada pregunta y al elegir la respuesta llenar completa y firmemente el óvalo correspondiente Ejemplo:




Las preguntas de esta prueba se basan en el contenido dé su libro de texto Inglés Unidades XXXIII — XL.

PRIMERA PARTE Esta parte de la prueba consta de 6 preguntas, de la 1 a la 6. A continuación se le presentan dos textos que usted deberá leer con atención y, EXCLUSIVAMENTE con base en ellos, contestará las preguntas de esta parte.

At her death in 1695 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz left a remarkable body of

writing—religious, courtly, and popular poems in a wide variety of verse forms; intellectual treatises; religious and secular plays; a long epistemological poem, “Primero sueño”; and an autobiographical essay, the ‘Respuesta a Sor Filotea”, which, to date, remains the most reliable literary portrait we have of this woman of genius.

What we know of Sor Juana merely awakens our appetite for further

information. We are unsure of the date of her birth. We do not know whether she ever knew her father. We know approximately when she was sent to Mexico City to live with her mother’s sister, but not why. We can approximate the dates of her life in court under the protection and patronage of the Marqués and Marquesa de Mancera, but we know nothing of the everyday details of those years. We can only speculate as to why at the height of her popularity and in the full flush of her beauty she left the court to enter the convent. In addition to the guesses we can make from her writing, and besides the autobiographical “Respuesta”, and the nearly contemporary biography written by Father Diego Callejas, we have only a handful of birth, death, and marriage records relating to her family, and a few papers concerning Sor Juana’s entrance into and subsequent professions of faith in first the Carmelite Order, and then the Convent of Saint Jerome, where she died.

“Sor Juana Inés” by Margaret Sayers

(adapted) 1. According to the text, biographical material on Sor Juana is

A) accurate in its general content, B) abundant in chronological information. C) distorted for the study of her work. D) insufficient for understanding her life.


2. The reasons Sor Juana entered the convent are

A) clear. B) dubious. C) unknown. D) mystical.

3. When the author says “the most reliable literary portrait”, he means that

A) the information is true B) the details are perfect C) the details are correct A) the information is trustful.

Statistics show that rapid population, growth creates problems for developing countries. So why don´t people have fewer children ? statistics from the developed countries suggest that it is only then people´s living standards begin to risk that birth rates begin to fall. There are good reasons for this. Poor countries cannot afford social services and old age pensions, and people´s income are so low they have nothing to spare for saving. As a result, people, look to their children to provide them with security in their old age. Living in a large family can be a form of insurance. And even while they are still quite young. Children can do a lot of lawful jobs on a small farm, so poor people in a developing country will need to have better conditions ahead, before they think having smaller families, but their conditions cannot be improved unless there is a reduction in the rates at which population is increasing. This depend on a very such wider acceptance of family planning and this, will mean a basic change in attitude. Taken from: Roding for Adults. By R. Luis, Mc. Vincent and S. wair. 4. The expression “look to” underlined in line 5, can be substituded by

A) Take care of. B) Search for. C) Consider. D) Expect.

5. According to the text, large families in undeveloped countries are convenient because

A) Young children help do minor tasks. B) Young children can mostly work in agriculture. C) Many children are expected to feed their families. D) Many children provide the adults with the insurance polices.


6. Which of the following titles is the most adecuate for the text?

A) “Social security and old age pensions” B) “The Dependence of Birth rate on Living Standards” C) “The opportunities in undeveloped Countries” D) “High Growth rates in developed Countries”

7. I _____________ do that if I _________ in his place.

A) didn´t / was B) Weren´t / were C) Shouldn´t / was D) Wouldn´t / were

8. I watched the cat ____________ in the rain

A) running. B) to run C) runs. D) ran

9. Robert can’t give a lecture .He is an _________ iliterate

A) un B) ill C) in D) un

10. Mike is very grateful _____ his friend

A) with B) on C) at D) to

11. ________ Diana _________ taking a bath when we called her this morning? She never answerd the telephone.

A) could / have been B) Should / be C) Could / be D) Should / have been


12. Ralph _____ have ______ the situation. He’s too immature

A) should / not understood B) could / not understood C) could not / understood D) should not / understood

13. Billy saw the man ______ his mother’s hanbag

A) took B) takes C) taking D) to take

14. Paul _______ to California if he got a car

A) would go B) Will go C) Does D) go

15. Sandra was not home when I got up this morning. She ____ have left early

a) Must b) Would c) Can d) May

16. Does the teacher wish her students _________ more polite?

a) are b) were c) will be d) should be

17. Vicky _____ left for the congress. I haven’t seen her for a week

A) would be B) must be C) would have D) must have

18. Sally’s party has been _________ commented on all around the town

A) wide B) width C) widen D) widely


19. If I _________ the Money soon, I ________ go to Acapulco with you

A) got / may B) get / will C) get / would D) got / should

20. Gaby will never trust anybody. She’s always filled with ________ giving

A) in B) an C) mis D) dis

21. The garden was filled with ________ after the party

a) liter b) leisure c) waste d) load

22. Not _______ the film, I couldn’t argue with Alcart

A) has seen B) have to see C) having seen D) having to see

23. My cousin was nominated _________ of Webson School

A) major B) principle C) mayor D) principal

24. They have an interesting _______ of photographe at the “ Museum of Modern Arte”

A) output B) feature C) ornate D) display

25. Professor Jones _________ perfect program for the year

A) devised B) complied C) executed D) endeavored


26. The table is not ________ for our dining room

A) familiar B) hand made C) suitable D) home guiding

27. She could have ________ the contest if she _______ worked more

A) won / has B) won / had C) to win / has D) to win / had

28. Jim and I have traveled ______ the world together

A) amid B) among C) for all D) throughout

29. Mr. Clark is always very busy. He never reserves time for _________.

A) output B) leisure C) display D) network

30, If Clair had met George in other circumstance, she ______ married his

A) has B) would C) had been D) would have



ANTES DE ABRIR EL CUADERNILLO LEA COMPLETAMENTE LAS SIGUIENTES INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES: El material de examen que va a utilizar consta de este CUADERNILLO DE PREGUNTAS Y UNA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS: 1 El llenado de la hoja de respuestas deberá efectuarse solamente con lápiz del número 2 ó 2 ½ 2 Utilice el CUADERNILLO únicamente para leer las preguntas y las opciones de respuesta 3 Registre con todo cuidado y correctamente en LA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS los datos que se le solicitan, tanto personales como de la aplicación 4 Su nombre completo debe registrarlo en el siguiente orden: APELLIDO PATERNO, APELLIDO MATERNO Y NOMBRE (5) Registre su firma tal como lo hizo en su credencial 5 En cuanto a la MATRÍCULA Y DATOS DE LA APLICACIÓN, anote sólo un dígito en cada recuadro, además rellene completa y firmemente los óvalos que corresponden con los números anotados 6 El CUADERNILLO contiene preguntas numeradas cada una de éstas presenta cuatro opciones de respuesta; de las cuales sólo una es la correcta 7 Es importante poner la mayor atención en cada pregunta y al elegir la respuesta llenar completa y firmemente el óvalo correspondiente Ejemplo:




Las preguntas de esta prueba se basan en el contenido dé su libro de texto Inglés Unidades XXXIII — XL.

PRIMERA PARTE Esta parte de la prueba consta de 6 preguntas, de la 1 a la 6. A continuación se le presentan dos textos que usted deberá leer con atención y, EXCLUSIVAMENTE con base en ellos, contestará las preguntas de esta parte.

At her death in 1695 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz left a remarkable body of writing—religious,

courtly, and popular poems in a wide variety of verse forms; intellectual treatises; religious and secular plays; a long epistemological poem, “Primero sueño”; and an autobiographical essay, the ‘Respuesta a Sor Filotea”, which, to date, remains the most reliable literary portrait we have of this woman of genius.

What we know of Sor Juana merely awakens our appetite for further information. We are

unsure of the date of her birth. We do not know whether she ever knew her father. We know approximately when she was sent to Mexico City to live with her mother’s sister, but not why. We can approximate the dates of her life in court under the protection and patronage of the Marqués and Marquesa de Mancera, but we know nothing of the everyday details of those years. We can only speculate as to why at the height of her popularity and in the full flush of her beauty she left the court to enter the convent. In addition to the guesses we can make from her writing, and besides the autobiographical “Respuesta”, and the nearly contemporary biography written by Father Diego Callejas, we have only a handful of birth, death, and marriage records relating to her family, and a few papers concerning Sor Juana’s entrance into and subsequent professions of faith in first the Carmelite Order, and then the Convent of Saint Jerome, where she died.

“Sor Juana Inés” by Margaret Sayers

(adapted) 1. According to the text, biographical material on Sor Juana is

A) accurate in its general content, B) abundant in chronological information. C) distorted for the study of her work. D) insufficient for understanding her life.

2. The reasons Sor Juana entered the convent are

A) clear. B) dubious. C) unknown. D) mystical.



3. When the author says “the most reliable literary portrait”, he means that

A) the information is true B) the details are perfect C) the details are correct A) the information is trustful.

People have always found ways to destroy themselves. They went from stones and sticks

arrows. Then came guns—much more powerful. Finally, people made atomic bombs. These are a danger to us and to the earth.

In some places, people have damaged land by too much farming or too much grazing. Without

grass or trees, rain may wash away the soil. Sometimes soil is blown away by strong winds. But people have found another way to harm themselves arid the earth. It doesn’t blow up.

There is no loud noise. In fact, people don’t even know it happens. It is done by chance, but it´s here. It is pollution: the poisoning of the water, hand and air. The poisons are chemicals, garbage, and wastes of all kinds.

Air is dirtied by smoke and by the gases from automobiles and airplanes. Soil may be harmed

by chemicals. Rivers and lakes are polluted. So are the oceans where cities are on the chores. Wastes have even been found floating in parts of the middle of the oceans. There they kill the small plants and animals that fish need for food.

Think about the last time you went swimming in a river or a lake. Did the water really look clear

and pure? Dr was it dirty and unpleasant to swim in? What do you see when you look out your window in the morning or early evening? Is there a line of haze*? Can you see the hills, mountains, or buildings clearly?. Is anyone doing anything to clean up the air? How many ugly junkyards** are there in your neighborhood? Why are they there?

Taken from People and Ideas

Vincent R. Rogers

Silver Burdett Co. * haze—thin mist. ** junkyards —places where garbage is discarded. 4. Which of the following kinds of pollution is not mentioned in the text?

A) Air pollution. B) Land pollution. C) Water pollution. D) Noise pollution.

5. What is the theme of the article?

A) Mankind is endangering the place where it lives. B) People cannot swim in rivers and lakes anymore. C) Junk is an important source of air pollution. D) Man has invented different kinds of weapons.



6. According to the text, people pollute

A) willingly. B) unconsciously. C) to hurt themselves. D) to modernize cities.




Esta parte de la prueba consta de 24 preguntas, de la 7 a la 30, en las cuales deberá elegir la

opción que completa correcta y lógicamente las expresiones o diálogos incompletos que se le presentan.

El tipo de pregunta que usted encontrará en esta parte se ilustra con el siguiente EJEMPLO:

7. Mexico’s gas _________ is increasing steadily.

A) method B) output C) technique D) achievement

8. Technological progress must help the __________ of mankind.

A) achievement B) development C) occurrence D) emergency

9, _________ she __________ been home earlier? It will soon be midnight and these streets are dangerous.

A) Can’t / had B) Can’t / have C) Shouldn’t / had D) Shouldn’t / have



10. I had never seen such a________________ dog before. It must be newly born.

A) tiny B) narrow C) minimum D) decreased

11. The dog _________ have been killed if it _________ run so fast.

A) must / didn’t B) must / hadn’t C) could / didn’t D) could / hadn’t

12. The policeman on the motorcycle was never able to _________ Sally. She was driving very fast.

A) overdo B) overtime C) overtake D) oversight

13. I helped Mother ________ the meal.

A) cook B) cooks C) cooked D) cooking

14. I know she didn’t _________ the money that you lost.

A) rob B) steal C) deny D) reject

15. We were very grateful _________ our hostess.

A) of A) to B) for C) with

16. Mrs. Smith is very __________ of sophisticated words.

A) fond B) cut out C) annoyed D) in charge



17. Unfortunately, many countries are still _____ developed.

A) in B) un C) dic D) mis

18. He listens to music with great intens _________

A) ion B) ness C) ity D) able

19. I’m very __________ to you for having come.

A) endowed B) anxious C) generous D) grateful

20. It was John who hid our books. There’s no _________ about it,

A) doubt B) foal C) guild D) toll

21. Andy got his first job. He’s _________ errands _________ the milkman.

A) taking / to B) running / to C) taking / for D) running / for

22. Don’t forget _________ the party next Saturday.

A) of B) about C) on D) from

23. The police _________ Jeff’s car to the police station. It was parked in a restricted area.

A) hauled B) dwelled C) dropped D) stored



24. We heard the distant ____________ of an owl.

A) haul B) wool C) hoot D) gate

25. Drive slower; it isn’t __________ to drive so fast.

A) safe B) cave C) shallow D) straight

26. I told the old man to get __________ the bus at the next comer.

A) up B) off C) down D) away

27. Our umbrellas are _________ the entrance door.

A) beside B) besides C) downward D) backward

28. The family _________ is a decisive influence en the formation of children.

A) environment B) achievement C) measurement D) development

29. The archaeologists found beautiful __________ pottery near the pyramid.

A) clay B) load C) ground D) headstone

30. Be careful! You could ______ the vase.

A) endure B) waste C) case D) drop
