Actividad de Ingles

Post on 11-Nov-2015

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activyti for inglish classs

Transcript of Actividad de Ingles

yo cocin una deliciosa comida porque mi abuelo vin a visitarnos, por eso es que fui y compre los ingredientes, cuando estaba en el supermecado un nio rompi una botella de vidrio, y escuche que tenian que pagarlo, yo pense "es lo justo", mi mama me envi un mensaje pero mi telefono lo borr.

nosotros comimos y bebimos toda la noche.

mi abuelo me cont donde el estudi y me contest varias preguntas.fue muy divertido. tom una foto.

I cooked a delicious meal because my grandfather came to visit, that's why I went and bought the ingredients, when I was in the supermarket one child broke a glass bottle, and heard they had to pay, I thought "is fair" my mom texted me but my phone erased it.

we ate and drank all night.

My grandfather told me where he studied and he answered several questions.It was fun. I took a photo